Switch feeding, also known as the “burp and switch technique” is a method of breastfeeding that encourages increased milk production as well as calorie-rich hind milk and longer feedings. Switch feeding can be an effective way to help a nursing baby gain weight without the addition of supplemental formula. It is particularly effective when you have a sleepy baby who doesn’t nurse for very long.
First lets talk about regular breastfeeding technique. Traditionally, when breastfeeding, you nurse your baby on one side for as long as she likes. When she is done with one breast, you switch over to the other breast, with or without burping in between. You allow the baby to feed at that second breast, and then you are done. At the next feeding, you start with the breast that was suckled last.
Switch feeding is a little different. With switch feeding, you nurse your baby on the first breast only until the intensity of the feeding diminishes. When your baby slows down the pace of suckling and swallowing and her eyes close, then it is time to stop. She is losing interest and getting sleepy. Take the baby off the breast gently and then burp her very well. Switch over to the second breast allowing her to nurse until she slows down and closes her eyes again. Stop her gently, burp her and then repeat the process, going back to the first breast.
Why does this work? There are a few reasons. Each time you switch over, the milk-ejection reflex comes in to play releasing that good, rich hind milk. The burping releases any air in the tummy, making more room for milk, and the process of burping and switching can arose the baby enough to encourage a longer feeding. Having more hindmilk plus the regular burping may also reduce the gassiness in your baby.
Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, creating a home in the Home Blog, caring for little ones in the Baby Blog and now relationships in the Marriage Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here or subscribe to the blog using the subscription box on the right.
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