Are you at a loss as to how you should be eating healthy? The new food pyramid website can show you how. At you can learn about anything pertaining to healthy eating.
This website will let you know what you should weigh, what you should be eating and how much you should be eating. You can track your weight and activity on My Pyramid as well.
At My Pyramid you will be taken inside the pyramid to discover what food groups and how much of each are recommended. There are tips and resources available to answer any of your questions.
Special sections on My Pyramid are available for the younger children. Nutrition facts in an easy to understand format is given. For the 6-11 year olds there is a nutrition game, a coloring page, a nutrition worksheet and more. This section will make learning all about nutrition fun for kids.
For weight loss the MyPyramid Tracker is a fantastic web tool to help to keep you on track with your weight loss goals. This pyramid tracker not only assesses food choices, but exercise choices as well. It will be easy to stay on track and lose the weight with this handy, helpful tool. My Pyramid will also help you to plan your meals.
Another great tool on the world wide web! With all of the resources that we have these days weight loss should be a lot easier. Unfortunately, it does make the job of keeping track of things easier, but losing weight is the task at hand and still not an easy one.
To lose just one pound of weight you need to take in 3500 calories less with combined food intake and exercise. Now this may sound reasonably easy, it is not. Just ask those who have been dieting for a while with little success achieved. Some of us have an easier time losing weight than others. This does not mean that those who lose weight more slowly are not trying as hard, it just means it does not come as easy to them. This could, perhaps, be due to heredity tendencies, medication or other contributing factors.
Let MyPyramid help you to gain a healthier lifestyle and get your nutritional needs under control.
Angel Lynn writes in weight loss, single parenting, media and healthy.