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Obama and the Economy

economyObama on the Economy

We’ve been talking in the politics blog about Phil Gramm and his comment that America is simply a bunch of whiners. We took a look at how McCain distanced himself from his long time pal. For Obama, Gramm’s comments have given him opportunity to talk tough on the economy and talk about what he’ll do differently then his opponent.

There is Little Doubt We Are in a Recession

Obama says that despite the fact that we are seeing slowed growth as opposed to negative numbers (those negative numbers being the technical definition of a recession), there’s little doubt our country is in a recession. If people cannot pay for food, gas, or housing–then we are in a recession–according to Barack Obama. So what exactly is his plan to get us out of this recession?

Some Distinctives on Obama’s Plan

One thing that Obama is calling for is another stimulus package. In addition, Obama is calling for an overhaul of the housing lending industry and closely monitoring big lenders like Fannie Mae. Their demise, he asserts, is not in our best interest. In addition, he wants to overhaul bankruptcy laws, crack down on credit card fraud and predatory lending practices as well as create jobs, and improve trade.

One thing that Obama doesn’t directly address that McCain does is prices at the pump. Although I think that Obama indirectly addresses that through tax relief plans that he’s proposed.

McCain and Obama Compared

It seems to me that McCain is looking at the problem from the top down and that Obama is looking at the problem from the bottom up.

McCain proposes relief like a gas tax holiday and ceasing to put oil in the federal oil reserve which will in turn trickle down to your family and mine. Obama on the other hand proposes to stimulate the economy (get more money into your hands and mine) and then work on bigger programs for a long term solution.

Which One is Right?

Everyone thinks it sounds great when you hear that your getting more money. I have to think though that the message we as a nation needs to be hearing is more along the lines of Gaff’s very unpopular comments. We need to spend a little less, and save a little more. I am of course speaking in generalities here. . .but when we consider whether or not we can afford something, we need to consider whether we still have money to save. But that view wouldn’t attract votes at all.

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Valorie Delp shares recipes and kitchen tips in the food blog, and also writes about politics and the occassional movie review. To read more articles by Valorie Delp, click here.