What if you were born with a name like Howitzer Mertelmeyer, and you wanted to make it big in Hollywood? A name like that would never draw a crowd at the box office, and certainly does not project the image you want. So you change your name to Rex Hamilton, and suddenly you’re a sensation. This happens all the time in Hollywood. Remember Norma Jean Baker? Hardly anyone does, but we all remember Marilyn Monroe.
Celebrity name changes like this lead to interesting movie trivia. Try your mental prowess out on some of these. Match the name of the star as they were billed with the name they were either born with or also went by.
Famous Name:
1. Lauren Bacall
2. Gary Cooper
3. Doris Day
4. Marlene Dietrich
5. Kirk Douglas
6. Cary Grant
7. Rita Hayworth
8. Veronica Lake
9. Vivien Leigh
10. Jane Russell
Also known as:
A. Connie Haines
B. Connie Keane
C. Frank J. Cooper
D. Betty Joan Perske
E. Marie von Losch
F. Issur Danielovitch Demsky
G. Archibald Leach
H. Rita Cansino
I. Vivian Mary Hartley
J. Doris Kappelhoff
Okay, some of those were a little easy. I’ll do some more later that will really test your mental prowess.
Hollywood makes scads of movies every year, but only some of them become hits. Many fade away into obscurity altogether. Let’s play another little trivia game – match the stars listed below to the lesser-known movie in which they had either a starring or a large role. Ready?
1. Fred Astaire
2. Humphrey Bogart
3. Clark Gable
4. Audrey Hepburn
5. Katherine Hepburn
6. Gene Kelly
7. Gregory Peck
8. Frank Sinatra
A. The Purple Plain
B. The Trojan Women
C. To Please a Lady
D. Yolanda and the Thief
E. In a Lonely Place
F. War and Peace
G. What a Way to Go
H. The Kissing Bandit
How did you do? Should we find out?
Answers to the first quiz: 1:D. 2:C. 3:J. 4:E. 5:F. 6:G. 7:H. 8:B. 9:I.. 10:A.
Answers to the second quiz: 1:D. 2:E. 3:C. 4:F. 5:B. 6:G. 7:A. 8:H.
I hope you enjoyed this little bit of obscure movie trivia. We’ll have to do it again sometime, shall we?
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