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Oh So Cheap!

Sometimes the simple things in life can bring so much pleasure. On the way to the football last weekend, we made sure we took time to stop off at a fruit shop we’d often seen when passing.

Since the area was unfamiliar to us, it took a while to figure how to get into the shop but once we did, it was worth it.

We ended up buying fruit and vegetables at ridiculously cheap prices. Oranges were 49 cents a kilo. The cheapest they had been around here was $1.48 a kilo. I’ve been having a freshly squeezed orange house along with breakfast every morning for months now in an effort to ward off colds and flu this winter. So far it has worked pretty well and there’s nothing like the taste of fresh orange juice.

We bought carrots for 69 cents a kilo. They had been $1.99 a kilo in our local stores that week. Carrots are a versatile vegetable. I always include grated on my salads and use them cooked simply as a vegetable or in many and varied casseroles and crockpot meals. And I have been known to do the Bugs Bunny thing and just snack on a raw carrot from time to time. It’s certainly healthier than bookies or cake.

Capsicums or bell peppers were $1.99 a kilo in this shop whereas here they are $3.48 a kilo. In the end we spent $15.00 but knew if we‘d had to buy it locally it would have cost us three times that. It makes you wonder how fruit and vegetables can be so much cheaper in some areas than others.

Part of the problem is we don’t have a good fruit shop around our way and so are forced to buy fruit and vegetables from the supermarket and they have such a monopoly they can also charge what they like. You can bet any time we’re going up to Sydney again and going that way we’ll be calling at the same cheap fruit shop again.

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