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Omibus Homeschool eBook Sale!

The biggest homeschool ebook sale of the year! You can buy 53 eBooks written by homeschool moms for only $25! Purchase HERE.

What is the Omibus Homeschool eBook Sale?

Wait, back up. What is an omibus? An omibus is a book containing reprints of a number of works. It is Latin and its first known usage was in 1829. See, you learned something new just for stopping by. Get ready to learn even more with this amazing stockpile of ebooks brought to you by some of your favorite homeschool mom bloggers.

The collection of books contains 53 ebooks by several different authors. One of those awesome authors is none other than yours truly. I have three ebooks in this collection, including Princess Training. As a member of iHomeschool Network, I had the honor of participating in this week long sale with Jimmie Lanley of Jimmie’s Collage, Jammerill Stewart of Holy Spirit-led Homeschooling, Jolanthe Erb from Homeschool Creations, Amy Bayliss from Cajun Joie de Vivre and so many more!!! You will never find all of these eBooks at this price ever again. Even if each one was one dollar the price would more than double!

I know that funds can be tight in the homeschool family. Between curriculum, activities, co-ops, and even the simple things like groceries, families are looking for ways to cut down on cost. What I am most proud of, with respect to this collection of books, is that quality was not sacrificed to bring inexpensive items right to your computer. Not all the books are academic some help with planning the homeschool day and encouragement for the homeschool mom. We all need some encouraging every now and again and most need at least a little help with time management. If you are a first time homeschooling parent or a veteran you will appreciate every word in these books. Many or the titles you will recognize and now is your chance to purchase them at one low cost.