According to the Energy Information Administration, we can expect a large increase in our home heating costs this year, anywhere from 31 percent to 46 percent, depending on where you live and what type of fuel you use. That is pretty scary, considering we are already paying so much in fuel.
One simple way that we have been cutting our energy costs is by using a programmable thermostat. This thermostat, which is easy to install, allows you to change the temperature of your home even while you are out of the house or asleep. Why heat your home when you aren’t benefitting from that heat? The furniture doesn’t need to stay warm!
We generally have our thermostat programmed to reduce our heat to 62 degrees at night, when we are asleep, snuggled in bed under our comforters and blankets. About 30 minutes before we are ready to get up and start the day, the thermostat is programed to raise the temperature to 68 degrees. We never notice a difference in our comfort level, but we do notice a difference in our heating bill.
Likewise, we program the thermostat to lower the house temperature when we are away. Although we are saving money on heating, we don’t have to wake up shivering or come home to a frigid house. The programming on the thermostat can also be quickly and easily overridden, making it easy to raise or lower the temperature at will. The thermostat will go back to its normal set program at the next programmed change.
A programmable thermostat can be found at almost any hardware or home improvement store. It costs about $150 or less, depending on how many features you want it to have. Some available features include being able to program the unit by voice or by phone, smart features that automatically calculate the time it will take to have the house reach the temperature you desire and then set itself appropriately, and a hold or vacation feature. Some programable thermostats allow you to have a different program for each day or the week, while others have separate settings for weekdays and weekends.
Whatever features you choose, a programmable thermostat is sure to save you some money this winter.
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