Many of us point to our genes as a contributing factor behind why we do not like the way that we look in our jeans. Genes do affect the shape of a person’s body, and this may leave you wondering whether you are “stuck” with the type of body that you inherited. The connection between genes, diet, and lifestyle has been studies by many doctors and scientists in the hopes of gaining an understanding of how those things work together to impact our bodies.
One doctor who has studied in this area of research is Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo, a naturopathic physician. His theory on the diet – lifestyle – genes connection is that people can, through their diet and lifestyle choices, affect whether or not certain genes are expressed (turned “on”). He also states that there is no single set of instructions for how to turn genes “on” and “off”. According to Dr. D’Adamo’s theory, which he describes in detail in his book “Change Your Genetic Destiny”, there are six different genetic profiles, or GenoTypes. Family history, blood type, and body characteristics like jaw angle all have a hand in determining an individual’s GenoType. Each GenoType can follow a different diet and lifestyle strategy to achieve optimal health. Dr. D’ Adamo’s book describes these strategies as the GenoType Diet.
Please be aware that I am not a physician, nor do I pretend to be one. I am a lawyer, hence this lengthy disclaimer. It is not advisable to begin any diet or exercise program without first discussing it with your physician. The information that I have shared with you about the GenoType Diet is purely for informational purposes. Also, I do not endorse the GenoType Diet, nor has Dr. D’Adamo given me anything of value in exchange for mentioning it here.
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