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Online Business Promotion Etiquette

Promoting yourself online can be tricky business. Let’s be real, it can make you look obnoxious. You have to be careful not to cross the line on another person’s blog, website, or Facebook page. It can make you look bad to the page or blog owner and that person’s readers. Spamming is never welcome. Let me repeat that; Spamming is never welcome. Be careful NOT to cross the line.

I have two Facebook pages; one for my blog and one for my business. I am more than happy to help others out. I love to promote other blogs and businesses because we all need an extra hand, right? The success I have seen in my blog and pages is owed to wonderful readers and supporters so giving back is just natural. However, I will delete spam as quick as you can say “spam”. In fact, I just deleted a spammy comment on my business page today.

What makes it Spam?

If you comment on a blog with “Love your post. If you want to know more please buy my product here.”

If you comment on a wall, “Hi, This is so and so and I sell the best widgets in the world. Come by and see the widgets and buy some for yourself.”

If you never comment on anyone’s blog or wall without “oh and by the way, please buy your widgets from me, click HERE.”

If you only like pages to say “Greetings, from so and so (tagged or linked to your page or business). Hope you come check out my items. I think your readers will enjoy.

What is not Spam?

Commenting on Facebook pages under your Facebook business or blog account in a sincere and conversational fashion without linking back to yourself.

Commenting on other blogs because you have something to say other than “buy my widgets.”

Responding to blogger or page owner requests to share your blog or business.

Final Thoughts:

It will be obvious to everyone online if you are only out for yourself. The best way to have an online presence is to sincerely get to know readers, bloggers and page owners. Band together and begin promoting each other. Only promoting yourself and being insincere will leave you by yourself.

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About Richele McFarlin

Richele is a Christian homeschooling mom to four children, writer and business owner. Her collegiate background is in educational psychology. Although it never prepared her for playing Candyland, grading science, chasing a toddler, doing laundry and making dinner at the same time.