The National Center for Learning Disabilities is a marvelous resource for parents who need to learn all they can about helping their children who have learning disabilities. This non profit organization founded in 1977 serves as a clearinghouse for information for teachers, parents, students, and advocates, and advocates for the best possible outcomes for learning disabled students and adults.
A visit to their website,, is very helpful if you are seeking resources. They have information about preschoolers, grade school, high school, and learning disabled adults. One of the unique things that they do is provide “LD Talk” chat sessions online. Anyone can send questions to their panel of experts, for discussion online. The chats are transcribed for anyone to read who is interested. Chat subjects include reading, study skills, math, social aspects of learning disabilities, and information about IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act)
The next chat, Reading for Meaning: Helping Students Become Successful Readers will feature Nancy Hennessey, M. Ed, an expert on dyslexia and study skills. It is scheduled for Thursday, February 23, from 3 to 4 PM Eastern Standard Time. For more information about the chat, or to access transcripts of previous chats, visit
The organization also sponsors a scholarship essay contest for students, an art and poetry competition, and the Bill Ellis Teacher Preparation Award, recognizing excellence among general education teachers who show a commitment to educating all students in their classroom, including those with learning disabilities