Digital cameras are great, aren’t they? They give us the freedom to take many more pictures that we might have been able to in the past with film for a much cheaper price. Never before has it been easier to share your photos with your friends and family. You can even upload and share your photos right here on the Photo section of our website.
What about size though? When you take a digital picture with a modern digital camera chances are it will appear rather large on your computer screen or when you email it to you sweet Aunt Matilda. The reason for that is simpler than it sounds. To make a nice print of a photograph you will want to have a resolution of around 200-300 DPI. That stands for Dots per Inch. Pretty much how many splotches of ink get splashed on each inch of paper when the picture is printed. DPI can be correlated to pixels. The word “pixel” is a shortening and combing of the words “Picture Element”. If you held a magnifying glass up to your computer monitor you would be able to see small squares of color. That’s a pixel. Your average computer monitor displays around 100 pixels per inch give or take. Most graphics you see online will have a resolution of 72 pixels per inch.
The digital picture you took might be a 4×6 inch photo if you printed it out but let’s just say for example that it is a 300DPI image. If your monitor displays at exactly 100DPI that means the photograph will display at 12×18 inches. So what about size? What can we do about it that’s easy? There are many different photo software packages out there. They vary in price from free to very large sums of money and each have their own minimum system requirements.
I have done some searching and found a website to help us all out.
With this site you can shrink your digital photo that’s in .jpg or .gif format to a predetermined size or you can select a percentage. You can rotate your image or crop it after it has been resized if you need to remove a portion of the photo. When working with digital photographs remember you will always want to save a copy of the original just in case you need to go back and use it again. This site will help you to send and share smaller better looking pictures online. The pictures will have a smaller file size as well so it won’t take as long to send or receive them on the other end.