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OnlineUniversities Has List of Top 50 Genealogy Blogs

keyboard If genealogy is your passion, then you probably spend a great deal of time working on your research, putting together your family tree, and enjoying every minute of it. You might find yourself thinking about genealogy related things on and off all day long. When you don’t have enough time to get working on genealogy, you can enjoy a genealogy blog instead.

The OnlineUniversities website has compiled a handy list of what they consider to be the top 50 genealogy blogs. This list doesn’t seem to be ordered in a way that you might expect. They have used the phrase “top 50” which can imply that the very best blog will be listed as number one. Their list doesn’t appear to be using a ranking system. It is more like a collection of great genealogy blogs separated into different categories.

The first fourteen genealogy blogs are put together in a category called “General”. These are blogs written by experienced researchers, who have interesting stories to share. The blogs in this category also are informative, and can teach a genealogist how to get started working on a particular genealogy project.

The “General” category contains a few genealogy blogs that I recognize, and tend to read when I find myself stuck, or out of ideas. Number one on the list of top 50 is DearMYRTLE’s Genealogy Blog. I like this one because it contains blog posts about news related to genealogy, (such as when a genealogy research website adds new collections). I also like the ProGenealogists blog, because the blog posts are thought provoking and informative. Most of the rest of the genealogy blogs listed in this category are new to me, but look interesting. A blog called Those Old Memories combines genealogy with scrap booking, and contains poems and journal entries written by ancestors.

Items fifteen through twenty-eight on the list are all blogs dedicated to “Specific Research Projects”. Each of these blogs focuses on a particular area of the United States, or on a certain ethnic heritage. If one of these blogs matches what you are looking for, it might help you with your research. If not, many of the blogs in this group sound as though they would be an interesting read.

The category “Libraries and Resources” starts at number twenty-nine, and ends at number thirty-nine. Here, you can find links to blogs for different genealogy societies, as well as an unofficial blog that connects with Ancestry.com. The last ten blogs on the list are in the category “News”. These blogs update with information about genealogy conferences, or special events. They also contain research tips that can help struggling genealogists. I often read GeneaBloggers and Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter, both of which are on the list.

Image by kewl on Flickr