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Open Invitation

“We can generally do that which we wish to do. A young man can find an immense amount of time to spend with his sweetheart. He can arrange affairs to do that. We can arrange our affairs to get exercise in the shape of golf and otherwise. We can arrange our affairs to have amusements. And if we make up our minds to do so we can arrange our affairs to do temple work, judging from my own experience.

“I believe that if I can find the time to go to the temple and to do temple work once a week, there is hardly a man in the entire Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints but that can find time if he wishes to plan his work accordingly. I am speaking of people who live where there is a temple, and not of people who have to travel a long distance to get there. . . . I do not know of anyone that is any busier than I am, and if I can do it they can, if they will only get the spirit in their hearts and souls of wanting to do it.” ( Heber J. Grant, in Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Heber J. Grant [2002], 51)

President Grant has an excellent point. The lives of Latter-day Saints are indeed very busy. Trying to bring home enough money to meet our obligations is extremely time consuming. Before my knee surgery, I attended the temple at least once a week with one of my friends, my husband at least once a month and sometimes attended the temple three to four times a week with friends in need of company. During that time, my mind was enlightened and more open to the inspirations pouring from heaven. Life, although exceedingly difficult, seemed easier to handle, and every day as I drove throughout Utah for different events, I appreciated the mountains, deserts, lakes, reservoirs, waterfalls and rivers in ways I had never appreciated before.

All that aside, the joy I found in furthering the eternal progression of my ancestors was unequaled. And as we help them to progress, they help us throughout life. And really, are our lives so perfect that we don’t need all the help we can get from both sides of the veil?

So, if you can, sit down tonight and make your schedule, you really can plan beyond tomorrow, pick a day and time you can attend the temple with your sweetheart, or with friends or by yourself. It matters not. But avail yourselves of the open invitation to walk into the Lord’s house and participate in ordinances that will take you further into the eternities than anything the world can offer. And just as 90% of our income stretches further when we pay our 10% tithing, so too will your time spent on activities and responsibilities be more efficient and effective.