It may not look like your life is full of opportunities—in fact, during the average day it may just look like duties, responsibilities, and “have to’s”—not exactly what one might think of when one looks for opportunities. But what are challenges and obligations if not really opportunities in disguise?
For me, shifting my thinking to “opportunities” can be incredibly powerful. Of course, as I am only human I do not always remember to do it! For some reason I cannot help but get bogged down with feeling a bit downtrodden and weighted with obligations. Parenting and running a family solo can do that to a person. As soon as I open my eyes, however, and open myself up to the fact that all of these challenges and realities in my life are really opportunities to expand, learn, and experience–suddenly I will feel much lighter and definitely find myself moving about in a more positive frame of mind.
As a single parent, it can be easy to get into a rut—thinking of how life is happening TO us. It can seem like we are constantly in response mode and just trying to rise to the challenges of our daily lives. But what are those challenges if not opportunities? Whether it is work, home life, budgeting, family relations, etc.—it can all provide opportunities for personal growth and development. I know that can sound a bit Polly-Anna, but why not view life’s challenges as positive opportunities instead of horrible curses? After all, just that slight shift in thinking can make all the difference in how much energy you have, and how well you are able to rise to meet those ordinary challenges. Instead of burdens, they become lessons. Not to mention, you might actually have a little fun while you are it!
See Also: Are There Really Missed Opportunities?
Challenges, Opportunities or Problems?