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Organization Has Gotten Away From Me

Today as I was putting away some dishes I came across a decorating tip that I had used on Thanksgiving for filling deviled eggs. Without a second thought I tossed it into this little drawer that is on the side of my sink, a drawer I never think about because I never open. When I pulled that drawer open to toss that decorating tip in there I was in shock. I could not believe what lives in this drawer.

I’m really good about keeping the drawers in the kitchen organized but somehow this one has been overlooked. Let me first say that is has to be the silliest drawer to put in a kitchen in the first place, it’s only about five inches wide and stuck in the corner between the sink and the stove. What could you possibly need a drawer that small for?

Well, apparently I found plenty of uses for it. This seems to be the place I put all those things that I’m not sure where to put. I probably only open that drawer a few times a year so I never really think about it. Today, I’m thinking about it a lot.

After I opened it I couldn’t get it closed again, have I really been stuffing things in there so mindlessly that I didn’t even notice what that poor drawer had become? Here is a list of what I pulled out of that one tiny little drawer.

2 tubes of Crazy glue
The plug part to my electric griddle
5 Christmas cookie cutters
5 fall cookie cutters
4 spring cookie cutters2 empty gallon size Ziploc bags
A Ziploc bag containing pumpkin carving tools
4 pens
1 Sharpie
3 foam paint brushes
2 plastic straws from water bottles I no longer own
Rubber bands
2 cake decorating tips
A blade for a razor knife
2 hook closures
Assorted screws
A yellow baby barrette (you may remember that my baby is 18)
A safety pin
Eleven cents
And finally, the knob that fell off the pull string on the kitchen blinds

Holy mess! How did this happen? After seeing this drawer I thought maybe I should open my eyes and look at my kitchen and what I saw wasn’t pretty. I think I will be spending some time getting my kitchen organized. Again!

And I need to figure out a use for that drawer so I’ll stop throwing stuff in it.