I am a huge fan of Rubbermaid totes. They are great for organizing and are easily labeled and stacked. I pulled all my holiday decorations out of the garage and into the house to see what I actually have, turns out I have something for most holidays it just doesn’t get used because I can never find it at the right time of year.
I sorted everything into season and holiday then I bought some Rubbermaid totes in different sizes. I packed everything in the totes by holiday or season and then labeled them. I didn’t want to write directly on the tote in case I wanted to use it for something else later so I bought some clear shelf paper, made labels, stuck those to the totes then covered the labels with the shelf paper so the label won’t wear off.
Now I have totes for Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Spring, Fall and Summer. I used different sizes depending on how many decorative items I have. I also bought the under the bed totes, they are the perfect size for wreaths. I labeled them just like the rest. Now I can find my fall wreath quickly and it is clean and dust free.
There are many different size and types of totes depending on what you need to store. You don’t have to buy Rubbermaid but I think plastic totes are the way to go, they don’t crush easily and if the garage or wherever your storage is floods, your totes will stay dry.
Google plastic storage bins and you will be amazed at the selection. I have everything from shoe box size to 30 gallon totes. They come in a variety of colors, if that is important to you, you could use the colors to identify the contents instead of labeling them. You can also get clear totes so you can see at a glance what is inside.
Now I have a pile of totes in the corner of the garage. It looks neater then the cardboard boxes everything was in but just being stacked makes them difficult to get to. Now it’s time to start looking for shelving units.