Never have time for organizing? Me neither; that is why I’m getting my house in order one favorite television show at a time.
There is never enough time in the day, it seems, to do everything that we need to have done. Because of our long task list, I always feel guilty about taking out any time to do something that is relaxing, such as read a book or watch a little bit of television. But, ah ha, I found a way around that. I just make sure that while I am watching television I am also productive.
Organizing is a great and easy task to do while you are watching television. There are several parts of your home that you can tackle.
The next time you are looking forward to watching Mad Men, for example, pull out a drawer and bring it over to the couch with you. Include a box or bag for things that will get tossed. Go through the drawer and get it done. You can weed out and refold underwear, sort through a junk drawer etc.
Another organizing task that can be done while watching television is to go though your stack of mail. Again, toss (or recycle) as needed and then group together the rest. You can simply group the mail together in categories and fasten with rubber bands, or take the next step and file it away.
Grab your folders and file, file, file. You can file everything from receipts to coupons to school work. By the time your show is over, you’ll have everything ready to go into the filing cabinet as needed. Combine this step with the one above if you have a long movie that you would like to see.
How about cleaning out your purse or wallet? If you are like me, you have a number of things in there that shouldn’t be, from receipts to crayons. My purse tends to specialize in tissues, miscellaneous pieces of paper and snacks for the kids. Sometimes those snacks get smooshed.
What other organizing tasks could you do while watching television?