Children with special health needs come with a good amount of paperwork: prescription information, blood tests, x-ray results, health insurance forms, treatment schedules, etc. It can become extremely overwhelming very quickly. Staying on top of all of this paperwork can seem like a job in itself and should be treated like one. Having the right paperwork at the right time is essential. Here are some easy ideas on keeping it all organized.
Create a Care Notebook. A simple three-ring binder is all you really need to keep everything in its place. Purchase a large binder, some file separators, and a three-hole punch. Divide the binder into sections with the file separators and make sure each is labeled for easy access. As paperwork comes into your home, simply punch three holes and file it in the right section.
To Go Filing. Purchase an inexpensive, portable, expanding filing folder with sections to label. Keep everything filed together, but separately for easy access. This is a much easier system than filing everything in a large, heavy filing cabinet.
Purchase a Pre-Made Notebook. If you don’t have the time to make one, you can order a ready to go notebook for your child’s specific condition from web sites such as
Go Paperless. Check and see if your hospital has online tools available to help you create a virtual notebook of your child’s health information.
Once you have your system chosen, you can find ideas on what to include in the notebook or filing system from your health care provider or your state’s children with special health needs program. Typical sections include: All About Me, Allergies, Medications, Lab Results, List of Doctors¸ Immunizations, Treatments, Feedings, Hospital Stays, Health Insurance Information, Schedules, Emergency Contact Information, and pages to list questions for the next appointment.