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Organizing Your Home Office

Do you have a home office? Whether you work from home or you have a spot where you take care of your bills and other paperwork, you can make this area easier to handle if it is organized.

Last weekend I spent most of it putting together a new organizational system in my home office. I first went out and purchased the following: label maker, large box of file folders, notebooks and a binder.

I first labeled all of my folders. I have a set labeled 1-31 (for the days of the month) and then another set labeled with the months (January through December).

Then I labeled yet another set of folders with things such as “Pet Records,” “Work Receipts,” etc. After my folders were labeled and placed in a basket, I began to go through all of my paperwork and organized most of it into those folders.

For instance, if a bill needed to be paid on the 13th, I placed it in my folder labeled “13.” If I needed to remember to put together my church’s newsletter in August, I put a note inside the folder labeled “August.”

Not only did I seriously diminish paper piles and other pieces of paper floating throughout my house, but I had everything in its appropriate folder. It felt so good to go through my purse, drawers, and other areas where I was keeping random pieces of paper with information on it.

Then I used my notebooks to keep track of things such as “To Do,” “To Purchase,” “Projects,” “Books to Read,” etc. Notebooks are great for lists.

The binder I used for items that need to be portable. For instance, I attend a quarterly meeting for a women’s group I belong to at my church. So the information for that is kept inside a binder I can just grab when I need to.

Does this inspire you to get your home office organized? Do you have additional tips to share?

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Everything Has a Place

Photo by Henkster in stock.xchng

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About Stephanie Romero

Stephanie Romero is a professional blogger for Families and full-time web content writer. She is the author and instructor of an online course, "Recovery from Abuse," which is currently being used in a prison as part of a character-based program. She has been married to her husband Dan for 21 years and is the mother of two teenage children who live at home and one who is serving in the Air Force.