Osgood-Schlatter’s disease occurs when the bones, usually in an adolescent, grow too fast. This mainly happens upon a growth spurt in the child. I had this disease as I was growing up, which is uncommon for a girl, as it usually occurs in boys. Out of every five kids get it and it happens more so in the athletic child.
The upper shinbone, below the kneecap, will swell and cause pain. This is due to a lot of overuse with running and jumping activity or any type of activity that these actions involve, such as in most sports. The symptoms are due to repeated stress around the kneecap tendon, which can start to separate from the tibia tuberosity, which attaches it. If severe, it is capable of total detachment. This disease is not lifelong and will disappear after the bones have finished their growing. It is most commonly present in one knee only although both knees can be affected.
If your child has the above symptoms and you are concerned, a doctor will be able to diagnose or rule out Osgood-Schlatter’s disease with a simple x-ray. It may help to limit activities if there is suspicion of Osgood-Schlatter’s disease. If diagnosed positively for this disease only conservative measures are necessary in most cases. These measures would include rest, ice, and a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory to relieve the pain.
Once your child has outgrown Osgood-Schlatter’s disease there is little cause for concern about any lasting effects. A small bump may be present, but that is the only telltale sign of it having occurred.
I have not had any symptoms of this disease myself since childhood. My case lasted for a few years. I do have the small bump that can appear in some individuals, but other than that there are no other symptoms from my past experience with this disease.
Angel Lynn writes in weight loss, single parenting, and health