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Our Celebrate Jesus Day (A.K.A. Easter) Plans

As I have been, “thinking” about coming up with some meaningful and exciting family traditions for Easter, my husband has been hard at work. He went shopping today and bought presents for all the kids. He bought our oldest daughter a large print, NIV Bible. She has recently gotten into the habit of sitting on the front porch each morning, squinting over her tiny print, King James version Bible. At seven, she doesn’t quite understand what thee and thou mean. He bought each of the boys a Veggie Tales video and the baby gets a Board book about Jesus. He has wrapped the gifts lovingly and is currently displaying them in a prominent spot, stirring up much anticipation.

I have been sitting here in the office, writing, while he is in the living room planning an Easter pageant. He is reading the story of the resurrection and the kids are acting out the different parts. They are planning several practice sessions before Easter. They are going to make costumes tomorrow. The kids are so excited!

We are planning to wake up at sunrise on Easter morning. The kids will act out the play and we will have some family worship time. I will make a nice breakfast. Then we will go to church and worship our risen Lord some more. As a church, we will have a cookout after the service. I imagine there will be some games and festivities at the cookout, as well as a great feast.

My desire is that Easter will become our most celebrated holiday. It looks like we are off to a good start. I’ll keep you posted as the week progresses. I still would love to hear from some of you about what your plans are.