Rebecca was legally ours as the adoption was finally able to proceed after the mediation with the biological mother was successful in having her relinquish her parental rights. Part of the mediation agreement was to establish a post office box where the biological mother of our children would be able to send correspondences to the children. We had told her we would put the letters aside for when the children got old enough to understand what they were about.
The conditions of our mediation were that we would send updates of all three children to her on a quarterly basis. The time has come for our first update and I really did not know what to write, up to this point we had not told the biological mother anything about Steve and George except for the fact that they loved Rebecca and were happy to have her with them. I wanted her to know that the nightmares had ended for Steve and that George and Rebecca are having fun growing up together. I did not want to give her too much information because I did not want her to know where we lived.
We had gone through great lengths to be sure that the biological mother would not be able to find the kids mainly because I was unsure about her mental stability and the mental stability of the men that she chose to share her life with. With all the documents that the biological mother saw or was given had my maiden name as our last name and we gave the incorrect city to her. We have changed the kids middle and last names, got new birth certificates and social security numbers for them. Technically as long as we don’t slip up and tell the wrong information in the updates she should not be able to try to find the kids.