Once I found the midwife that I wanted to attend me and my pregnancy, I gave her a call to see if she would take me on as a client. I introduced myself and told her that I was seeking a homebirth after having a birth center birth with my first child. I added that she knows my mom. She got really excited when she realized who I was because she had recently talked to my mother about my husband and I trying to get pregnant and potentially moving back. Then she asked my due date. I told her sometime around Christmas. She said that she doesn’t normally take clients who are due in December because of the holidays and spending time with her children and grandchildren. I got a little nervous, but she said that we should get together once we got into town and talk about our options.
One month later all three of us met with her (my husband, son and I). We discussed my pregnancy, labor, and delivery of our son and the fact that she would be out of town on Christmas day and the day after. So if the baby were to come on either of those days she would have a colleague step in to attend us. I told her we’d just pray really hard that the baby doesn’t come on either of those days. If the baby does decide to be born on Christmas day we would be fine with having the other midwife in her absence.
We chatted about a few other things like nutrition, insurance, and acquiring my medical records from my first pregnancy and the birth of our son. We would have our first official prenatal appointment in a week and it would take an hour and a half (this one was about thirty minutes). For focus sake we would need to find someone to watch our son during the next appointment (not a big deal since I have access to several sisters and grandparents). We left her office feeling good about the process so far and looking forward to our first official appointment in a week. I was also really relieved that she was willing to take us on as clients even with our December due date.