I bought the one I saw on TV, more proof that advertising works I guess. We brought it home and followed the instructions and hoped for the best. We waited and went on with our first night as a family. We watched some cartoons, played with toys and read stories, did baths and then it was off to bed.
We tucked George in his crib and Steve in his toddler bed, we put some music on for them to listen to and we went into the living room and watched the boys doze off for their first night sleep in their new home. We had bought video baby monitors and had two cameras in the boys’ room one aimed at each child. We sat there for hours just watching them; we finally went to bed but were up very often checking on them sleeping. We went in one time and did not see Steve in bed; we looked in the bathroom, and all around the house. We had a security system in the house so we know he had not left. We tried not to make too much noise because we did not want to wake George. When we were quiet we heard a soft sobbing. When we looked for the sobbing we saw that Steve was under his toddler bed in the corner near the wall and he was crying in his sleep.
We knew a little about their history but we did not know why he was crying. We carefully lifted the bed off of him and saw that he was sleeping with his hands around his head like he was shielding himself. It broke our hearts. We sat on the floor and carefully woke him and told him he was safe. He crawled in my lap and curled up next to me and fell back to sleep. We know that the books say you should not let a child sleep with you but we did that night. We carried him to our bed, lice and all, and he slept for hours. That is until he woke up and threw up all over our bed. Now I have a very weak stomach and this was putting it to the test, I got him up, cleaned him up and asked my husband to help. He agreed that is until he threw up at the smell and sight of it.