When a child is placed with you in Foster Care you have to do visits with both your social worker and the state’s social worker. Most of our visits came from our own social worker. She would drive up about every two weeks, to see how they boys were adjusting and if we had any problems or concerns. When our first visit came we were very concerned we really did not know how it was going to go. Steve was still rather shy and we hoped that all would go well.
We thought we made good progress so far, we had the boys checked out by our new pediatrician, we found an in-home daycare that was licensed by the state and we were getting ready to start back to work on the following Monday. The last two weeks had been a bit crazy I am not going to lie; going from no kids to two a three year old and a fourteen month was a little hard.
When our social worker came to our first visit I think she was rather surprised. The first thing Steve did was take her hand and bring her to his room so she could see what he had done to decorate his bed, he showed her his bed and then showed her all their toys. An odd thing he did was he opened the closet and his bureau drawers and showed her all his clothes. He was so proud that he had clothes that were his. When he did this and I saw the smile on his face I got a little teary eyed, no child should be so excited about having clothes of his own.
When we went back to the living room Steve and George followed and Steve went to get toys for them both to play with. The boys looked like they had been together and with us forever. It was amazing or at least we thought so.
Read more about our journey:
Getting Them to Sleep in their own bed