We went to visit the doctor today. The kids hadn’t been there in 18 months. They actually thought we had changed doctors, but the truth is the kids hadn’t been ill enough to visit a doctor, so we just didn’t.
Anyway, they (the office manager and doctor) immediately questioned us about homeschooling as they remembered that we were homeschoolers. They wanted to know if we were still homeschooling now that the kids are teens… and we answered that we are.
Then came the moment when we were alone… doctor, and child, and parent. She began asking more in depth questions about their schooling and nodding her head. Do you take classes online. Do you take classes locally? What does mom teach? What do you learn on your own? They were typical homeschooling questions, but from a more educated standpoint.
Then the doctor said something I did not expect. She asked how close my older son ( age 14) was to graduating. I replied that he could finish in 18 months, but we were in no hurry. She replied, “Let him finish… then he can really explore things he is more interested in! Go for it!”. I have never had anyone reply to us about homeschooling in that manner. We were certainly enouraged today.
I just wanted to share that with you. As more people, especially doctors become educated about homeschooling, we are finding less resistance and more encouragement, and it feels good.
*Have a question about homeschooling? Just ask.
* Have you seen the homeschooling curriculum glossary?