You can purchase all kinds of great yard games, toys, and equipment for the yard, but your family can also have fun playing together with a few simple, inexpensive items, or just by having each person use his or her imagination.
Here’s a list of fun activities that won’t cost more than $5.00:
Have a Bubble-blowing Contest
Bottles of bubbles and bubble-blowing sets don’t cost much, but they can provide hours of fun and some great competition. See who can blow the biggest bubble, the smallest, or the most bubbles with one breath.
Monkey in the Middle
Buy a special ball that is for the whole family. Two people (or teams) stand opposite of each other, and one person stands in the middle. The people on the ends throw the ball back and forth, while the person in the middle tries to intercept it. If the person in the middle gets the ball, he or she switches places with whoever threw the ball.
Play Frisbee
You can find Frisbees at nearly any store for about one dollar. Fancier ones cost a bit more, but you can certainly find a good one for less than $5.00. It’s fun to throw and chase the Frisbee and learn new tricks with it.
Have a Treasure Hunt
You can either hide items you already have and offer a prize to the person who finds the most items, or you can select a few, fun, inexpensive items to hide for your family members to find. With each item, leave a clue as to where the next item can be found.
Play some of your childhood favorites; they are good for some laughs, and they don’t cost a thing:
- Tag
- Simon Says
- Mother may I
- Red light, green light
- Hide and seek
Playing together outdoors gives your family the opportunity to spend more time laughing, playing, exercising, and enjoying your yard.