There are many safety tips to help ensure that your outdoor home improvement projects are completed without injury or damage. Here are three important points you need to keep in mind when you decide to do it yourself:
Wear your Gear
Always use appropriate protective gear. There are very few projects that don’t require some type of safety gear. Safety glasses should be worn for most every project. Cut-resistant gloves are another staple of the home improvement enthusiast. Don’t do projects in bare feet either. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.
Watch those Wires
Of course, you need to be aware of electrical wires when climbing ladders, trimming trees, and any other project that requires an upward reach. Nicking a wire can cause serious injury, damage, and even death. If you need help, contact your local electric company or co-op. It isn’t worth the risk.
There are other wires too. If your equipment is electric, it’s very important to make sure you don’t run over cords with an implement or allow plugs or cords to get wet. Take care that wires don’t become tripping hazards as well. You don’t want to fall while holding a piece of equipment that’s running.
Call before you Dig
We all know to call 911 in case of emergency, but did you know that you can call 811 to prevent an emergency? Call 811 to find out where underground wires, cables, and pipes are located before you begin digging. This is important even if you’re only digging a small hole for planting and even if you don’t intend to dig very deep. Digging into a wire, cable, or pipe can be dangerous physically and can end up being very costly if you’re found liable for repairs. You could also end up with angry neighbors when they’re service is turned off awaiting repairs.
*Make sure this number works in your location, especially if you live in a rural area. If not, there is likely a local number to call. Your area Chamber of Commerce, local information center (usually found in front of phone book), or whichever utility you are concerned with, may be able to help.