How do you feel about your weight loss journey? My friend Cindy, who has lost more than 40 pounds so far bubbles over about her weight loss. She is firmly committed to her journey and finds it easy to share it with everyone.
Me, not so much.
For me, I am trying to focus on the fitness aspect of weight loss, and it making great lifestyle changes that I can keep up. It certainly feels great to be able to fit into smaller size clothing and to see my mommy belly evolve from being marshmallow fluff to being, well, still a mommy belly, but much flatter and with more skin than chub.
I feel better when I walk, when I run and when I stretch. I have more energy and am more conscious about the number and type of calories I consume. I’m also not afraid to be hungry anymore. If I am so busy that I can’t get to eat for a few hours, I’ll wait and have a healthy meal, rather than grabbing someone’s leftover chicken nugget or a sugar-laden “granola bar.”
But unlike for Cindy, my journey has been more of a quiet one. It has been slower and with less drastic changes, but with steady progress. But the quiet is the thing. I go walking and running in the morning when most people are asleep or at least still indoors. I use the elliptical machine down in the basement, out of the way of everyone else. I still don’t have a scale and have no idea what I weigh.
Last week I wrote about buying a couple of new outfits. One of the pairs of pants is a bit more “professional.” It is one of those materials that will keep you warm when it is 55 degrees or colder. It has some sort of memory that bounces energy back to your muscles. Laying in bed, I debated for probably ten minutes about whether to put them on this morning. Would I feel like a pretender in such specific clothing? I was no “pro.”
But you know what? I do run. Granted it is only for maybe a mile or a mile-and-a-half at a time (walking otherwise), but it is actual running. I am a runner. It is time for me to step up and actually own this dream.
You can read more blog posts by Mary Ann Romans here!
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