Keep Skin Tight While Losing Weight

Losing weight is an exhilarating feeling for most of the overweight people who are dieting. You feel good about your loss, but worry about the aftermath of it all. There may or may not be excess skin when all is said and done, but this is far better and healthier than being overweight. The best way to attempt to avoid this plight is to lose weight slowly and exercise. This is not to say that it may not happen to some extent anyway, but the odds are in your favor to at least prevent some of it. Other ways to … Continue reading

PETA Makes Peace with Beyonce and Mariah Makes Peace with Her Body

Animal rights group People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals (PETA) has struck again. But this time the overzealous group isn’t targeting its favorite celebrity, Britney Spears; rather the group is going after another pop diva—-Beyonce Knowles. Only it’s not what you think. PETA has decided to make peace with the singing sensation claiming the entertainer has ended her love affair with fur. According to PETA, Beyonce once sat at the top of the group’s “hit list” because of her frequent use of fur products, including a collection of fur coats and fur-lined boots. PETA’s attack on the singer made … Continue reading

Super Star Wedding

Not even Mother Nature could dampen the wedding ceremony that had Beyonce Knowles saying, “I do” to rapper Jay-Z. According to a number of media outlets, the two mega-singing stars got hitched last night during an intimate gathering in Jay-Z’s Tribeca penthouse apartment. Sources say the couple wanted a very private affair with just a few dozen close friends and family. And it appears they got what they wanted. TV’s “Entertainment Tonight” has video of Gwyneth Paltrow and her husband, Coldplay singer Chris Martin, pulling into Jay-Z’s underground parking garage last night. Beyonce’s former Destiny’s Child bandmates – Kelly Rowland … Continue reading

Weight Loss Terms to Know

We throw a lot of specific words around when we discuss weight loss issues. I thought it was high time we clarify them. Adipose Tissue: Body fat. Aerobic: The kind of exercise that get’s you breathing fast and heavy. Anaerobic: Exercise that uses muscles at high intensity and a high rate of work for a short period of time. Resistance training is a form of anaerobic exercise. Basal Metabolic Rate: (BMR) The number of calories your body needs to just exist, not move. Body Mass Index: (BMI) A number achieved through height & weight measurements. It is fairly inaccurate when … Continue reading

Super Skinny Me

Kate Spicer – Honestly Showing us the Ugly Side of Weight Loss Last week I watched a BBC program called “Super Skinny Me” and I related to it much more than I’d care to admit. In it, two British journalists agreed to spend five weeks doing whatever they had to do to reach the mythical size zero. I should mention here that both of them were very healthy and attractive women before they ever started their weight loss journeys. The one journalist I related to most was Kate Spicer. She is 38, 5’8″ tall and weighed 140 pounds. That weight … Continue reading

Why You Should Detox

The topic of detoxifying tends to polarize people. Some people swear by it while other swear about it. I hope to help you out here in case you’ve been wondering what all the fuss is about when it comes to the detox. I published a blog on the Master Cleanse some time ago. It has been particularly popular with those looking to lose a few fast pounds but I’ve tried to be absolutely clear that this is not a quick fix meant for the yo-yo dieter. While one of the side effects is usually weight loss, doing a detox like … Continue reading

Short-Term Fasting Can Work

It has been touted in Brad Pilon’s new book, Eat Stop Eat. Its benefits have been discussed at length in the Forums and in other blogs. It has been condemned by modern medicine, nutritionists and dieticians. But hey, they’re the ones who told me to eat eleven servings of starch a day and lay off the meat. That got me to gain weight instead of losing it! Now there is new scientific evidence that supports the theory that short term fasting can indeed help you to lose weight, and not just muscle but real bodyfat! In Pilon’s book, Eat … Continue reading

Mission Possible: The Current State of Affairs

Let’s take back the weight loss! Current BMI: 31 Pounds to Go: 55 Yesterday I wrote about my deep concern over the state of weight loss in our culture. It seems like we get so desperate to lose the weight or look a certain way that we’re willing to do crazy things that, if we stopped to think about it, really don’t make sense. It does not make sense to give yourself excessive diarrhea in the name of health. That’s an oxymoron. It does not make sense to eat in such a way as to leave out major food groups … Continue reading

The Benefits of Fasting

The last two days I have written about the negative side effects of doing a detoxification diet. In essence, your body is well designed to detox on its own, and forcing a detox of the colon, will force all of the good bacteria out of your body as well. Not to mention the fact that diarrhea can upset the balance of electrolytes, potassium, and other nutrients needed in your body. If you’re trying to clean up your act and you really want to healthily cleanse your system, the best way to do it is by drinking plenty of water and … Continue reading

Is Detoxification Right for You?

Everything you read and see has a bias and a slant. Sometimes, they’ll tell you up front or sometimes it’s obvious by the organization the writer or reporter represents. My slant is that detoxification is a dangerous way to lose weight and start anew. You’ve likely gathered that if you’ve read my first few blogs on losing weight. I really think that for most people, it’s a matter of conquering the will–eating less junk and more fruits and vegetables, drinking more water, and exercising more. I don’t believe in a miracle cure nor do I think that a cleanse is … Continue reading