Just Dance 3 Review

Sometimes it is just a little difficult to get the motivation to exercise. Faithful with walking and running in the other three seasons, getting out in the dark and the cold takes some extra resolve that isn’t always there. The warm cinnamon rolls and a cup of coffee always seem much more appealing than donning layers to head out to the park in 25 degrees. Still, all of those Christmas cookies can wreck havoc. With four other people in the house who either need exercise or at least an outlet for their energy, we decided to try Just Dance 3 … Continue reading

30 Day Shred

Jillian Michaels, America’s toughest trainer. That’s what they say anyway and I have to admit, she’s pretty tough. The 30 day shred program says you can lose up to 20 pounds in 30 days. I always take those claims with a grain of salt, I think weight loss is different for everyone depending on your body type and how much you have to lose. This video has three different levels, from beginner to advanced, and they are all tough! Each workout is 20 minutes long with a warm up and a cool down. I thought the first level would be … Continue reading

Benefits of Weight Lifting

There are a number of benefits to weight lifting that you might want to implement into your fitness routine. However I also strongly urge you to first make sure that you have established some cardio into your routine first. Making the transition from cardio to weight training might be a challenge but there is no reason that you can’t have a little of both. You might break up your routine with 15 minutes of cardio and 15 minutes of weight lifting. It’s really all up to you. One of the things you will notice right off the bat with weight … Continue reading

Drop 5 Pounds!

Drop 5lbs.: The Small Changes, Big Results Die By: Heather K. Jones, RD Book Summary as per Amazon.com: Sometimes it’s the simple choices-like switching diet soda for regular; selecting a less-caloric sandwich at the fast food joint; stopping at just one dip into the candy bowl; filling up on salad rather than bread before your main course; or taking the kids for a bike ride instead of hanging out in front of the TV-that make the pounds melt away almost effortlessly. Whether you’re a junk food junkie, an emotional eater, or even a mindless muncher, Good Housekeeping Drop 5 Pounds … Continue reading

Pet Obesity

We hear a lot about human obesity, but what about pet obesity? For me it’s a lot simpler to keep my dog in shape by not feeding her too much than to keep myself in shape and ignore that extra slice of cake. Pet obesity, however, is on the rise in America. MSNBC has the details on a 2009 veterinarian survey revealing that 45% of dogs and 58% of cats nationwide are overweight. I’m definitely surprised by these numbers; I expected lower for dogs. I think it’s easier to make sure my dog gets enough exercise than figuring out how … Continue reading

Working Out Together

Goals have a funny way of going by the wayside if there is no accountability. More times than I can count I have started a diet or workout routine and stopped mid stream because no one was holding me accountable. I am not an athlete, so working out is only a means to fitting in skinny jeans. Yes, health is a primary goal but even that gets pushed aside when life gets in the way. For people like me that work out to lose weight or to maintain your weight when the tide of life rolls in the first thing … Continue reading

Working Out But Still Not Losing Weight?

Are you putting in extra time at the gym, but still not seeing the results you would like? I faced several questions recently regarding a study that came out about a possible correlation between exercise and weight gain. Clients begin working out and if they don’t lose weight immediately they get frustrated and give up. Here are a few tips which may help: 1. Don’t reward yourself with food. A client recently said, “I felt so much better eating an extra slice of pizza the other night because you worked us so hard in class.” Don’t get me wrong, I … Continue reading

Health and Fitness Tips During the Holiday Season

With so much to do over the holiday season finding time for fitness is even more difficult than it usually is, but very necessary. With the extra chores that we must do during this time of the year there is increased calorie burning, but not enough to conquer all of the good food calories that we will most likely be indulging in. As always and now more than ever use those sneaky ways to give your fitness a boost. Shopping is crazy hectic at this time of the year. Remember not to dive in to the closet parking spot to … Continue reading

Keeping Your Weight Under Control During Menopause

Hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats and middle age spread. You cannot fight city hall they say, but ah, wait a minute. Yes, you can. If you are totally aware and conscious of all of these things that are taking place in your body you can fight back against it. It is not easy by any means, but by making a concentrated effort you will succeed in your quest. Menopause is that time in a woman’s life when her menstrual cycle ceases and with it so does her childbearing capabilities. Some are relieved by this, especially those that have had … Continue reading

Climbing Stairs to Stay Fit

When was the last time you took the stairs instead of the elevator? A new study claims that even a moderate increase in the use of stairs could play a role in helping to solve the nation’s obesity problem. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that climbing stairs is a good way to get your heart pumping. So why is it that many people opt to take the easy way out when they could rise to the occasion and lose weight in the process? According to researchers, we shouldn’t be blaming our lazy selves; rather, we should be … Continue reading