Is Worry Creating Needless Drama In Your Life?

Worry certainly sounds like a negative activity, and it is, but when you’re immersed in it, worry feels like the most logical, positive direction. How else can you prevent bad things from happening – or be prepared to deal with them when they do – if you don’t worry about them first? Unfortunately, “bad” things are going to happen regardless of any amount of obsessive thinking you do trying to anticipate, prevent and prepare for them. All worry does is keep you living in a perpetual state of anxiety for no good reason at all, and what kind of a … Continue reading

Researchers Discover Two Different Types of Autism

Researchers from the United States have discovered that there are two biologically different types of autism. It is believed that this could lead to more individuated types of treatment for children who have an autism spectrum disorder, based upon which type of autism the child has. A group of researchers from the University of California Davis’s MIND Institute, in Sacramento, California, are behind this new discovery about autism. They have been working on a longitudinal study called the Autism Phenome Project. The project began in 2006. They looked a group of 350 children who were between the ages of two … Continue reading

Peter Jackson Wants Justice for the West Memphis Three

I blogged about Damiel Echols, Jessie Misskelley, and Jason Baldwin, known as the West Memphis Three, a little over a week ago in my Green Living category. I explained that this particular subject falls between pop culture and green living because celebrities have been involved trying to free these men but, it is also a case of social consciousness because a lot of people think they were railroaded into a conviction. Now, director Peter Jackson, known for the Lord of the Rings trilogy and the upcoming The Hobbit series, has come on board to try and bring true justice for … Continue reading

Lowering Cholesterol Naturally

My cholesterol is probably high. I haven’t had it checked lately, but I know I’ve been putting on weight (20 pounds to be exact), not exercising (although I am trying to start a routine), and eating bad foods (think fried and processed and not enough fiber). My best friend does all the same bad things I do – weighs too much, no exercise, eats poorly – but his cholesterol is great. Why? Because he takes a pill every day to keep it down. Now, bad cholesterol is no joke, but I don’t want to take a pill to lower mine. … Continue reading

Gender Differences in Mental Health

For some time it has been known that women suffer more from depression than men do, or at the very least are more likely to be diagnosed with it. It is likely that there are a variety of contributing factors to this, not the least of which is the difference in how men and women express themselves. A new study tackles the question of which diagnoses seem to impact men versus women, and why. The study came out of the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine in Florida and appears in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology. It discusses how … Continue reading

West Memphis Three Freed – Part 1

Sometimes I think of a blog to write, but the category it belongs in may be a bit blurry. Many blogs I write could fall both within the Pop Culture and Green Living blog. Such is this blog about the West Memphis Three. In 1993, three teenagers – Damien Echols, Jessie Misskelley, and Jason Baldwin – were accused of committing a horrible crime just across the river from my hometown of Memphis, Tennessee. Three eight-year-old boys – Stevie Branch, Michael Moore, and Christopher Byers – were found murdered. The three teenagers were convicted in what many later called a “witch … Continue reading

Win Jewel’s Purse Sweepstakes

This is quite possibly the most perplexing sweepstakes I have ever seen. For reasons I cannot fathom, the singer Jewel has teamed up with the Oscar Mayer food company, in order to make this sweepstakes happen. You can win Jewel’s purse, and some, but not all, of the items inside it. When I heard that Oscar Mayer was doing a sweepstakes that involved Jewel, I automatically assumed that the food company had made some sort of business deal with the Midwestern grocery store chain that is called Jewel. That would make a little bit of sense. After all, grocery stores … Continue reading

Credit vs Debit: Dave Ramsey Weighs In

If you think that using a credit card is safer than using a debit card, you may change your mind after hearing what personal finance guru Dave Ramsey has to say about the real advantages and disadvantages of using credit and debit cards. According to Ramsey, one very important disadvantage of using credit cards is that they allow users to incur debt – something that does not happen with debit cards because you are limited by the amount of funds in your bank account at any given time. I really never thought about it that way, but it makes a … Continue reading

Obama’s Birth Certificate Revealed To The Public

This morning, the White House released President Obama’s long-form birth certificate to the public, for all to see. Obama felt that it was important for the public to see his long-form birth certificate because lately there has been a lot of controversy over his birthplace, and that controversy has been taking the focus off of other events of national importance. In 2008, Obama had released a similar certificate called a “Certificate of Live Birth”, but a group of people who have come to be known as the “birthers” said that that form of a birth certificate was not proof positive … Continue reading

Bowen’s Heart

Each year, 40,000 US children are born with a congenital heart defect. While the type of defect and its severity can vary from person to person, each family must cope with the anxiety, the pain and the unknown. This year, one of those families was that of Matt Hammitt, the lead singer of Sanctus Real. His son Bowen was born on September 9, 2010 with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. The left side of his heart was severely underdeveloped and blood was not pumping correctly to his body. Bowen underwent his first open heart surgery just a few days after birth. … Continue reading