Friday Scrapbook Funnies: Warning Signs That You May Be Addicted to Scrapbooking

Summer is definitely getting hotter, and the days are definitely much longer. I used to be so excited to see the weekend arrive, but now my days and weeks with the kids just sort of blend all together. Thankfully there is plenty of fun and great laughs to get us through the longer days and summer evenings. I thought I’d leave you with a cute weekend laugh. I have had this posted on a bulletin board in my scrap area for a couple of years and just thought I should share it. If you are a scrapbooker, you surely should … Continue reading

Friday Scrapbook Funnies: Introducing The Hilarious Thena

Long before Thena Smith was a published author of adorable scrapbook related poetry, I used to chat with her occasionally on a scrapbook message board. She was always one to help another scrapbooker in need of the perfect poem for a layout. She continues to help, but has now had a book published and is still queen poetry around some of the more popular message boards. I have saved over the years, some of the funnier poetry that Thena had shared with us. I thought I’d end our week by sharing two with you. I hope that you enjoy and … Continue reading

Friday Scrapbook Funnies: Evolution of a Scrapbooker

Scrapbookers are a rare-breed. And watching scrapbooking evolve over the past 11 years since I’ve been scrapbooking has been quite interesting. I’ve developed my own style, my own way of doing things and a greater sense of who I am through my journaling. It started out in a basic way, took me through many advanced techniques and steps and landed me back where I am today. Which is actually a rather simple, clean scrapbooker. I’ve had this cute evolution piece on my bulletin board for a few years. I used to share it with my classes to help break the … Continue reading

Friday Funnies: Scrapbooking Humor and Jokes

It’s finally Friday, and the weekend’s upon us! I plan to get some major organizing done this weekend. Though, when I plan, I often vary from my plan! So who knows what I will accomplish this weekend. Actually, I do know some of what will happen this weekend. My camera will come out and we’re going to capture some great family memories! I hope you all do too. To leave you on a sweet note this beautiful Friday, here is some laughter for the true scrapbooker! Don’t forget to grab your camera and create some meories of your own this … Continue reading

Scrapbook Funnies: Great Scrapbooking Poems

Happy Weekend! I’m so happy it’s finally here. I love it when I get to spend the weekend with my kids, my boyfriend and his kids, doing whatever we want and there are no time constraints, schedules or what-not to keep us busy. This weekend is one of those for us; a nice relaxing, but fun weekend. I hope you all have a great weekend too – I encourage you to make some memories, take some pictures and get some scrapbooking done! And for the Friday Scrapbook Funnies I decided to include some cute poems I’ve been saving that are … Continue reading

Scrapbook Funnies: A Scrapaholic’s Confession

It’s Friday once again and time for a little pre-weekend humor! I love to laugh, so every Friday I try to find something humorous to share with all of you. I have a strange collection of anything that truly makes me giggle and scrapbooking related material is no exception. I’ve held onto this poem for awhile in hopes that I could do something with it. I think I’ve finally decided to create a layout and use it. I hope you find it funny and inspirational all at the same time! Have a great weekend! A Scrapaholic’s Confession Author: K Haynes … Continue reading

Scrapbook Funnies: I saw it on a t-shirt!

It’s once again Friday, and what a long week it’s been. I caught up on a few pages I had wanted to get done. Now I just need to get some journaling printed so I can add it to the rest of the pages and get them in those albums. While I’d love to get that done this weekend, I’m sure I won’t since I am taking a 48 hour road-trip to pick up my children. I guess I really should be packing and not laughing at these little bits of humor. I really need to get the camera and … Continue reading

Scrapbook Funnies: Addicted to Scrapbooking

As a slightly obsessed scrapbooker, I have collected funny scrapbooking stories, jokes and anecdotes to share with my classes when I teach. I find myself going back and reading them more and more, and getting a chuckle out of them each time. As an active member on several scrapbooking community message boards, I have collected a very large list of reason’s why people are addicted to scrapbooking. I thought I’d end today and this week with a list to make you giggle. I will be posting more each week on Friday to end the week with a laugh. Afterall, laughter … Continue reading