Friday Scrapbook Funnies: How To Get Your Husband To Scrapbook and Like It!

HOW TO GET YOUR HUSBAND TO SCRAPBOOK AND LIKE IT by Nicole Humphrey As it would go, men don’t tend to be the most creative beings on the planet. In fact, creativity for them often entails deciding which chips will taste best and compliment the sports team he’s watching on TV. But in reality, men are really creative and can enjoy our hobby as much as we do. (ok, perhaps NOT as much, but maybe at least half as much). To begin, you need to purchase your husband a camera. I strongly recommend a digital camera with an automatic setting. … Continue reading

More Funny Baby Quotes for your TGIF

Let’s keep ourselves grinning as we push on through our Friday. These quotes are for new and old parents alike. Print them out and keep them somewhere to remind yourself of what it is you love about being a mom or a dad. A baby is a blank check made payable to the human race – Barbara Christine Seifert Every baby born into the world is a finer one than the last – Charles Dickens People who say they sleep like babies, usually don’t have them – Leo J. Burke Parenthood, the state of being better chaperoned than you were … Continue reading

Friday Funnies – A Scrapper’s Quote

I scrapbook, therefor I am – a quote collector. I just love quotes and I have an entire composition book that I use primarily for my quote collection. Sometimes when I see a quote it just makes me happy and I know it’s one for my book. I have included some really cute and fun quotes to use in your scrapbooks about your actual scrapbooking hobby!! Yes, you SHOULD be doing pages about your hobby! Here are some fabulous quotes to get you inspired: All the world is a scrapbook… and I know the layout! Don’t Worry, Be Scrappy Been … Continue reading

Friday Scrapbooking Funnies: Some Giggles and Laughs

Friday’s here and the weekend is looming ahead! The first full week my children have been back in school. They are loving it and I’m getting much more done around the house. My two oldest are still home, but I don’t mind! I’d be lonely if they weren’t. I have been getting a bit more scrapbooking done. I just got a huge order of fifty something photos in the mail today, so guess I have to find some scrapbooking time this weekend too! With all the creative tips and tricks, and all the great products mentioned in the scrapbooking blog … Continue reading

Friday Scrapbook Funnies: Definition of a Crop

I am inundated by forwards from friends and family who albeit mean well, clutter up my email inbox and make it difficult to find what I am looking for. But every once in awhile, someone sends me something that just makes me giggle, and say “Yes, I know how that feels.”. Several weeks ago, a scrapbook buddy of mine sent this along in an email. She said it was shared on her scrapbooking mailing list she’s on, and wanted me to smile. She also of course thought it was perfect for my Friday Scrapbook Funnies. So here it is: The … Continue reading

Friday Funnies: Top Ten Things That Annoy Adoptee’s

Adoption is such a serious subject most of the time. And typically anything going on in a search or reunion is not a laughing matter. But sometimes it helps to step back and just laugh at all we go through. I am well-known on my other blogs as always hosting a Friday funny. Obviously I’d like to keep the trend up over here on the adoption blog too. Some things that I post are original and are things that I wrote myself, but most of the items were collected by me during my search. I’ve held onto all of these … Continue reading

Friday Funnies: Another 12 Step Program For Scrapbookers

Just last week I shared with you an original 12 Step Program funny for scrapbookers. I wrote the one I shared last week, but this week I have one provided by another scrapbooker who received it via email. I hope you have an excellent weekend. We’ll be shopping for school supplies in our neck of the woods, and spending some time together as a family for our last weekend before school starts. See you next week! 12 STEP PROGRAM FOR SCRAPBOOKERS (author unknown) 1. I do not need any more paper! 2. I do not need any more punches! 3. … Continue reading

Friday Scrapbook Funnies: The Scrapbooker’s 12 Step Program

The Scrapbooker’s 12 Step Program! by Nicole Humphrey When leaving home, always vow that you won’t end up at a local scrapbook store or other craft store. Repeat these words, “I have too many supplies, and I will not buy anymore. I have to use what I have. Unless of course, there is a great sale and a new product I just have to try!” Rearrange all your scrapbook supplies in your area so that there is no room to put anymore stuff in without having to buy new organization. Always wear clothes with pockets when leaving home in case … Continue reading

Friday Scrapbook Funnies: Warning Signs That You May Be Addicted to Scrapbooking

Summer is definitely getting hotter, and the days are definitely much longer. I used to be so excited to see the weekend arrive, but now my days and weeks with the kids just sort of blend all together. Thankfully there is plenty of fun and great laughs to get us through the longer days and summer evenings. I thought I’d leave you with a cute weekend laugh. I have had this posted on a bulletin board in my scrap area for a couple of years and just thought I should share it. If you are a scrapbooker, you surely should … Continue reading

Friday Funnies: Living On A Budget

Another summer week is over and we are still having a blast with the kids home from school. Everyday is a new memory created as we strive to do fun things with them, that we might not always do. I strive to create special memories and start new summer traditions as the kids get older, and this summer is no different. We’ve decided to implement a picnic in the park idea at least twice a month (me and the kids, haven’t discussed it with dad just yet!) Each time we’ll try out a new park until we find one that … Continue reading