Should You Run a Marathon While Pregnant?

In the current issue of Runner’s World magazine there’s a very short piece on a woman who ran a marathon while she was 8 months pregnant with her son. Now her son is a teenager and is preparing to run alongside his mom in an upcoming 26.2-mile race. Wow! I read that blurb nearly two weeks ago and I still shake my head in utter amazement when I think about what that mom accomplished. I’ve run a few marathons (and am currently training to run another next spring), but I was far from pregnant while completing any of them. Think … Continue reading

Two Months of Hell

Obviously my stress levels were through the roof at this point. We waited and waited for new photographs of our daughter’s biological sister, hoping they would shed light on the prognosis of damage from prenatal alcohol exposure. My reading about Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Alcohol Related Neurodevelopmental Disorder stressed that children with this disorder needed highly structured lives and predictable routines. I had to admit that we are just not that kind of family. We do a lot of really interesting things together, but organization and routine are not our strong points, to put it mildly. Still, I had been … Continue reading