When You Think Something is Wrong with Your Baby

No mother ever wants to have a child with a problem. Especially first time mothers. We are already so scared that we are going to “mess up” or do something wrong. So, for the most part, we are acutely aware of every little nuance of our child. Practically from the moment they are born! When I had my second child, I definitely felt a little more confident about being a mom. I had the nursing thing down after doing it for 14 months with my first. I knew what I did and didn’t want to do this time around. I … Continue reading

Beyonce Warns Against the Maple Syrup Diet

“I’m very conscious of being a curvy woman and I’m very happy that I am a curvy woman. I would never recommend it to anyone unless you are doing a movie and it’s necessary, and you have proper help” Beyonce said. ”As soon as it was over, I gained the weight back.” Beyonce added. Celebrities are known to go to extremes to fit a role. Beyonce lost 20 pounds in a short amount of time for a movie role. Christian Bale lost over 60 pounds for his role in The Machinist. Robert De Niro gained 60 pounds for Raging Bull. … Continue reading

Halloween Safety for Children with Diet Restrictions

For children with diabetes, cystic fibrosis, food allergies, Prader-Willi Syndrome and other special diet needs, Halloween can be frustrating. Here are some ways to make the day easier on your stress level while still maintaining the fun for your little one. Diabetes * Rather than trick-or-treating, host a Halloween party at which you can control the treats that are available. You can include sugar-free candy and treats in addition to fun items like Halloween stickers, silly bandz, and toys. * Keep the portion of candy that your child eats to a reasonable portion size and incorporate it into meals and … Continue reading

Can You Eat Peanut Butter on a Diet?

The short answer is yes! As with anything moderation is king. Peanut butter contains 16 grams of fat and 200 calories in a 2 tablespoon serving. This scares most dieters away from touching the stuff much less finding ways to continue to enjoy it in moderation. Besides, it is hard to moderate such a small serving size. However, there are ways to keep the peanut butter and still maintain your diet. If you love peanut butter it is best to keep it in or it will be your stumbling block later on. Another factor in peanut butter’s corner is the … Continue reading

Top Ten Reasons to Exercise

Today I would like to share the top ten reasons to exercise. Sometimes we need to be reminded of the benefits and why it’s worth the challenge and time. It can be a great motivator. Working backwards, the number ten reason to exercise is to improve your breathing. When you first begin to exercise you will notice that you are easily short of breath, just as you might be walking up stairs. However exercise will improve your breathing. The ninth reason to exercise is that it improves your body’s overall strength. The eighth reason to exercise is that it helps … Continue reading

Green Resolutions – Part 1

The New Year is upon us. If you are like most people, you have probably made a few New Year’s resolutions. I know how those well-intended resolutions usually go – I make a resolution to diet every year and end up breaking it eventually. Even so, there are a few green resolutions that I am going to try to keep this year. One it to use the reusable shopping bags. I have already purchased them, but I usually forget to put them in the car because I am in a rush to get to the store. Then, I get to … Continue reading

Myth: Your Baby Will Sleep Longer If You Feed Her Solids

If your baby has been having a hard time sleeping through the night, you’ve probably had more than one well-meaning person tell you to add cereal to your baby’s bottle or start solids. “Think about it, it’s hard to sleep if you’re hungry,” they’ll say. There are several problems with this myth however. First of all, there is no evidence that solids increase a baby’s total sleep. They may fall asleep a little quicker if they are stuffed, but babies wake up for many reasons which have more to do with their biological clocks than their tummies. The circadian rhythms … Continue reading

Season of Skimpiness: It’s Coming!

It is coming. That dreaded season of skimpy clothing. Are you ready for it? Do not worry. There is time, but you must start now. In approximately fourteen weeks from now you are going to want to wear less. The weather alone will force you into this unless you do not mind sweating, which I absolutely despise. Being in the northeastern part of the U.S. I am more of a cold weather person than a warm weather person. I can better tolerate the sub zero temperatures than the sizzling, scorching 80s. Yes, that is really HOT for us up here. … Continue reading

Dieting and PMS: Blasted Hormones, Part II

Hormonal Imbalances Bring Out the Beast Unstable hormone levels are responsible for those awful symptoms that control PMS. Your estrogen levels go up along with your cortisol, or stress hormone. This little guy, cortisol, triggers a response that stimulates your appetite and you may become an eating machine. You desperately seek out what will satisfy this craving and this usually comes in the form of fat and carbs. Did someone say chocolate? How to Cope When you feel this uncontrollable urge, at the first sign, you need to eat something before it gets out of control. One good thing to … Continue reading

High Blood Pressure and Dieting

“I have high blood pressure. What diet can I do so that I can lose weight safely?” First, let me say that I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV. (I did not stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night either.) I suggest you discuss this with your doctor before trying any weight loss program. Of course, many people with high blood pressure have it as a side effect of being overweight and any doctor treating you for high blood pressure would be thrilled to help you find a diet program that is right for … Continue reading