But I don’t know how to teach organic chemistry?

One of the biggest criticisms of homeschool naysayers and one of the biggest concerns of homeschool parents are one in the same. Each asks how it is possible to teach a subject you do not know. If you are homeschooling a preschooler through elementary student, you not have asked yourself this question just yet. However, as time goes on and you are responsible for the education of a junior high school or high school student you may begin to tremble in fear at the thought of teaching higher math or science. You may feel lost when teaching the importance of … Continue reading

Maintaining Your Weight

Are you happy about the idea of just maintaining your weight? We rarely hear people talk about that. We constantly hear about the need to lose weight but we don’t hear about the part where we just maintain our weight. I have been in a real rut lately with my eating and exercise habits. I fell off the wagon for a bit and although I have tried to get back on, it has been a rough road. It’s become that rollercoaster ride of having ups and downs. I just can’t seem to get myself completely together. One would think that … Continue reading

Homeschooling in December

December is a difficult month for homeschooling. Home life is all but disrupted from Thanksgiving until January first with family dinners, outings and friends stopping by. So, it is nearly impossible to keep a homeschool routine and keep the lessons going. In past years, I have gone as far as to declare a winter vacation from homeschooling. In other years, my kids have declared a holiday and refused to look at a book until January. During those years, we just added the lost time at the end of the school year giving us a one month winter break and a … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review: July 9th Through July 14th

Summer is a great time to save money. Well, okay, anytime of year is a great time to practice a frugal lifestyle. So, come on in from the pool, beach, camping, backyard or wherever you have been spending these lazy days (personally I like to read a good book on the porch) and read up a bit on how you can do all of that for less. Here is your frugal living week in review for July 9th through July 14th. July 9th Two Kitchen Gadgets That Can Save You Money If you have these two gadget in your kitchen, … Continue reading

Education Week in Review: June 2 – June 8

The summer is passing by here at Families.com. Yes believe it or not, school supplies, backpacks, and fall clothing are slowly making their way out into the stores. This week, I discussed some summer education issues and talked about buying school supplies for next school year. Check out below for a flash back! Saturday, June 2 Unique Summer Learning Children should continue to learn and experience throughout the summer months. However, try adding a twist on the method of teaching. Children should experience creative and unique methods. Thoughts on Summer Tutoring Tutoring can be a great thing. However, the right … Continue reading

Hot Hawaiian Travel Deals For Couples

We are on the cusp of the summer wedding season and the timing is not being lost on those in the travel industry. Hawaii, known as one of the world’s top wedding destinations, is offering some spectacular deals for couples in love. What’s nice about these specials is that you don’t necessarily have to be a “newlywed” to take advantage of them. Resorts are offering deals to couples traveling to the “Aloha State” on their second, third, fourth, or twenty-second honeymoon. As long as you are with someone you love you can rake in the savings. On the “Garden Isle” … Continue reading

Retention- Whose Decision Is It?

I am currently facing a torn issue in my class. I have a student that I feel does not need to move on to first grade. However, the parent is determined that the child will not repeat kindergarten. So who should make the ultimate decision? The child came to school lacking very important basic skills for building knowledge. He has made lots of progress but stills falls very short of being on level with the rest of my class. He has had intensive tutoring from the school in order to catch him up to where he is at the present … Continue reading

Television and Your Toddler

When you have a toddler, you are faced with a lot of choices. So after you are done wrestling with the let them or not let them watch television, then you have to wrestle with what shows are good for toddlers or at least appropriate – and with the plethora of programming available out there – this can be a lot more difficult than just electing to put the television on PBS and calling it good. Not that I am knocking PBS, I was weaned on Sesame Street and the Electric Company. While the former is still available, the latter … Continue reading