What? My Diet Starts Monday.

Don’t all diets start on Monday? Mondays are famous for ruining your week when it barely began so why not add a diet to that? If Tuesday morning I eat too much cream cheese on my bagel I immediately console myself by saying that my diet will begin again on Monday. Not unlike Scarlet O’Hara’s philosophy that there is always another day, I say there is always another Monday. Messing up on diets is a very forgiving thing if you think in terms of how many Mondays there are in a year. Let’s face it you have 52 times to … Continue reading

Low Fat Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

A few years ago I found a recipe for low-fat oatmeal raisin cookies. I prefer chocolate chips over raisins so if you want to save a few more grams of fat and calories you may not want to use chocolate chips. This recipe is so good that even my kids gobbled them up! Normally my kids will complain that low fat options for baked goods are not as good as the full fat. However, this recipe will not make you miss full fat cookies one bit. Keep in mind this recipe is low in fat for an oatmeal cookie but … Continue reading

Grocery Shopping on a Diet

Resolving to eat more naturally and healthier has made grocery shopping a unique experience. I have a keen eye for items that are either unhealthy due to added chemicals or amount of sugar or fat. Blindly picking up an item that looks yummy or easy to make are no longer how I make food choices. While, I never ate terribly I was no stranger to processed foods or the occasional fatty or sugary snack. I find giving up certain foods is both freeing and confining. It feels free to avoid aisles of junk food or processed foods. I am free … Continue reading

A High Fat Diet May Increase Breast Cancer Risk for Two Generations

Researchers are constantly studying pregnancy and how different lifestyles and choices impact the health of the mother and the child. A major focus is often on the food that a pregnant woman eats, whether it’s the quantity or the quality. I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase,“You are what you eat,” and it’s never been more true. Recent research has led experts to believe that what you eat during your pregnancy, specifically junk food and how much of it you consume, can effect not only your daughter’s chances of getting breast cancer in the future, but her daughter’s chances as well. … Continue reading

Eat Cookies and Lose Weight

There are so many diets out there or diet products that have you eat only one type of thing to loose weight. For example, if you eat specially formulated shakes, bars or cookies, you’ll lose weight. Is this true? Well probably. But, that doesn’t mean that you will be fitter, healthier or actually keep the weight off. Back about 10 years ago, I inadvertently lost weight by eating mostly junk food. I was working practically around the clock on a big project and didn’t have time for regular meals. I made sure that I got some workouts in, but honestly … Continue reading

Confessions of a Foodie Mom: Soup “Cravings” and Cookies by the Fire

I’m not doing terribly well in the weight loss department. After a warm and sunny summer and September, we’ve had some of what Winnie-the-Pooh would definitely call “blustery days”. I just want to curl up by the fireplace and listen to the rain on the roof. It seems like a good time to bake cookies with the kids too. And, I crave chocolate. I’m trying to convince myself that I am actually craving soup. I did make a pretty good-tasting, last-minute improvisation on Campbell’s Tomato Soup. I added a can of whole tomatoes, a can of corn, and rosemary, thyme, … Continue reading

Fad Diets, Crash Diets: Take Three (The Cottage Cheese and Fruit Diet)

Fad diets will not help you to learn how to eat healthy on a daily basis. Fad diets will help you to lose weight for a quick “fix”, but you should not stay on a fad diet for more than a few days. The Cottage Cheese and Fruit Diet is a good choice for fad dieters. Cottage cheese is a low-fat dairy product. Cottage cheese contains about 25 to 30 grams of protein. Fruit, of course, is rich in vitamins. The two combined are very healthy for you. The Cottage Cheese and Fruit Diet consists of: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner: … Continue reading

Treats for Pets with Dietary Restrictions

When it comes to food, my two dogs are very different. Lally is the sort of dog who will only eat when she’s hungry; I could leave a bowl of food out all day and she’d regulate herself. Moose is a chow hound; he’ll eat until there’s nothing left and then eat some more. I can’t leave food out for him, because he’d never stop eating! It’s very hard to manage Moose’s weight when he never turns down food. The vet suggested that we avoid chewy snacks — they generally have a higher fat content than crunchy, dry snacks have. … Continue reading

Dieting and PMS: A Fight to the Finish, Part I

The Curse Dieting is hard enough, but many of us manage to accomplish our goal eventually. Everything is going fairly well, we are being faithful and strong-willed resisting the tempting goodies that surround us for the most part. We are losing a pound here, a pound there…and then we feel it….that first twinge…that first cramp. Oh no, you think, not now. I was doing so well. You know what will happen next. You feel it start to overtake you. You do not feel as strong as you initially did. You get an uncontrollable urge that you just have to satisfy. … Continue reading

Diet Benefits of Avocado

“I love avocados and can get them really inexpensively. Is it OK to eat them when dieting or will the fat in them make me fat?” First, here is the nutrition information for an average avocado: One medium avocado has 276 calories, 27.6 grams of fat, 1.5 grams of carbohydrates, 4.3 grams of fiber and 1.5 grams of protein. Now before you take a look at the calories and fat content and run away screaming, know that avocados can actually be a very nutritious and helpful part of a balanced weight loss program. The monounsaturated fat in an avocado speeds … Continue reading