Health Screening Checklist for Women

Most of us hate to think about it, but screenings are a way to keep us healthy. You are probably afraid that something bad may be found, but if you think about it, early detection is a good thing. So what are the 10 health screenings every woman should ask her doctor for? First of all, have your blood pressure checked. I think every time I go to the doctor, no matter what it is for, I get my blood pressure checked. You can have it checked at local pharmacies if nothing else. It may be harder to get your … Continue reading

Watch Your Words

Whether we like it or not, our words define us. They reveal out thoughts and heart attitudes. Jesus knew this. See Matthew 12:34-37 and Mark 7:15-23.You know it too. Listen to someone you know talk. It is easy to pick up clues about the type of person they are from the words they say and the tone of voice in which it is said. Impatience stubbornness, anger, impatience, jealousy will all show up in a person’s words or tone. So will love, gentleness, generosity, patience. Before you jump in and add your thoughts to a conversation, can I suggest you … Continue reading

Unique Home-Based Businesses

Lately, I have been educating myself about the variety of home-based businesses that are out there. Today, I would like to point out that having a successful home-based business does not have to involve having a cookie-cutter career. In fact, people who choose to blaze their own trails as home-based business owners have a great deal of freedom in choosing what they will do for work. Their creativity is limited only by what the market will support. The internet plays a large role in enabling many unique and different home-based businesses to succeed. It provides instant, inexpensive access to potential … Continue reading

But I’m Not Supermom

It’s all too common for a homeschooling mom to feel that she has to be Supermom. With housework and homework to juggle, it sure seems like you have to put on a cape in order to make it all work, and then when someone hears that you homeschool, what’s the first thing they say? “How do you do it? You must be Supermom!” This creates a false sense of needing to excel. After all, if everyone thinks we’re perfect, doesn’t that mean we have to be perfect? Otherwise, aren’t we letting people believe things about us that aren’t true? I … Continue reading

Getting Fed Up with Stuff

In looking at our home, we are planning on making some changes in the structure of the house and the purpose of rooms. We will be losing a lot of storage, so the plans for the changes we would like to make can’t be finalized until we know where all of the extra stuff will be going in the house. So, naturally, I’m starting to get fed up with stuff. Stuff is getting in the way of our plans, and stuff needs to be maintained and cleaned. It is frustrating though, when stuff seems to take over and practically hypnotize … Continue reading

Take a Step Back and De-Stress This Christmas

Instead of stressing out about food and baking and so on at Christmas, why not let everyone chip in? A lot of get togethers of people I know, work on the basis of people combining food to make a birthday or special occasion or Christmas feast. Someone might bring dessert, another salad or a casserole or nibbles. It doesn’t matter. If people have a special dish they like make and want to bring it, fine. We often take dessert because I’m gluten free and some people seem to think it’s a hassle making gluten free cakes and desserts. It’s not. … Continue reading

Christmas Parties and Marriage

It’s that time of year. Christmas parties are in full swing. We’ve been to two in the last two nights. Other people I know are faced with the dilemma of two parties on the same night and having to make a choice. Now I love to have a good time, whether it’s at a party or anywhere else, but in the festive season we need to be a little more careful – careful when it comes to our marriages. Some people come over all kissy kissy at Christmas parties, especially when they have a little bit of alcohol on board. … Continue reading

Sunday Christians?

In Romans 12 Paul urges believers to be ‘living sacrifices’ verse 1. What does it mean to be a living sacrifice? It means that we will ensure that we make decisions and choices each day that are pleasing to God. That may mean sometimes having to put aside what we want to do to help someone else or to so something for God and for His Kingdom. Like today I had to put aside going shopping do for some summer tops while they are on sale to do what I believed God was calling me to do. It’s no good … Continue reading

Be Careful

One of the things we need to be careful about is in-laws, not just when we are with them but in the comments we make about them. We all know the jokes about mother-in–laws. There’s often some basis for it, in that mothers in particular seem to have trouble letting go of family and sharing them with the new spouse. I know some of you in the forums have experienced these problems. You might find that your spouse’s mother for example is too demanding of their time. You might find them overbearing or protective or you fill in……whatever the particular … Continue reading

Protect Your Spouse

When you think about protecting your spouse what do you think of? Protecting them physically or protecting their reputations and best interests. I know for example that I’m never likely to be called upon to protect Mick in a physical sense although if called upon to do so I would certainly try. But since he’s so much stronger than me it’s not likely to happen. However I make sure I protect him in other ways and the ways you might want to think about and see if you protect your spouse. For example even if we have an argument I … Continue reading