Sunday School Classes

Generally when you attend Sunday school as an adult you will attend the Gospel Doctrine class. This class studies the scriptures in depth over the course of the year and rotates through the different volumes of scripture each year. However, you may be asked or have the opportunity to attend a different Sunday school class that your ward is offering. One class that you may be asked to attend is Gospel Principles. This class is designed for new members or for members that are returning to activity. It talks about specific principles of the gospel in depth. The scriptures are … Continue reading

The Importance of Families

As a homeschooling mom, I’ve had a lot of fun finding ways to help my children understand different concepts and ideas. I discovered with my oldest that the terms “upper case letters” and “lower case letters” were confusing. I tried saying “big letters” and “little letters” and that was confusing too—she thought I meant the size of the letter, not the kind. I finally hit on the right way to describe it – “mommy letters” and “baby letters.” This concept worked so well, I’ve used it for all my children. The other day, my mom was here. She drew some … Continue reading

Focus on the Nativity

If you are looking for last minute ideas on ways to incorporate the Nativity into your Christmas celebration, you should search the church’s website with the words friend and Nativity. The activities range from complicate to simple and are targeted for children’s abilities and interests. This Nativity game is fun and educational as it explains the symbolism behind each of the figures in the Nativity scene. If you act out the Nativity every year, you may want to change it a bit by focusing more on music as you act out the story. The Christmas hymns are a wonderful way … Continue reading

Surviving the Holidays

The holidays can be a very stressful time on individuals as well as families. It is a time when there are so many events scheduled that you may end up neglecting what is most important to you and to your family. Here are five things that you should do to keep things in perspective this holiday season. 1) You need to continue your routine of daily prayer and scripture study. You also need to continue having family prayer and scripture study every day. This will do more than anything else to help you stay on track spiritually as a family. … Continue reading

Young Women: Camp Planning Pamphlet

There is a new guide for leaders to help them plan for young women’s camp. This pamphlet is pretty straightforward, but it does make the planning process much easier. The guide will be shipped out to local units, as they are prepared. Initially the guide will only be available in English and Spanish, but they will ship out guides in other languages as soon as the translation is completed. One of the things that stood out in the planning process was the focus on the spiritual aspects of camp. It emphasizes that camp is designed to help the young women … Continue reading

2008 Mutual Theme

The 2008 theme for mutual (Young Men and Young Women) has been announced. “Be steadfast and immovable, always abounding in good works.” The theme comes from the scripture Mosiah 5:15. The leaders are encouraged to apply this theme to activities throughout the year. This theme should apply to activities both on a stake and a ward level. Additionally the ward leaders are encouraged to introduce this theme in December 2007. Ward leaders may want to hold a special fireside about the theme. Additionally you should include it in the opening exercises that you have each week with the combined young … Continue reading

Author Interview: Trina Boice Part Two – The Sabbath Day

Thank you for joining us for part two of our chat with author Trina Boice When we left off yesterday, Trina was telling us about the genealogy book she co-wrote with her sister. If you missed that, you can click here to get caught up. Trina, thank you for joining us again. You’ve also written a book called “Sabbath Solutions.” What is that about? Do you ever hear your kids complain “There’s nothing good to do on Sundays?” Well, I heard that about every seven days, to be exact! I decided to prove my kids wrong and told them I … Continue reading

RS/EQ: “Setting (Your) Plans Aside”

This week’s Relief Society and Elder’s Quorum lesson comes from Chapter 14, “Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me.” Your initial thought is probably similar to mine – how ridiculous! Of course I don’t worship other gods! Yet the span of this lesson does not focus on religious rituals to pagan gods, but on the worship of things other than the One, True God. How do we show our love and devotion to the Lord? The Lord has asked us to love Him and to serve Him. We love Him by and through serving Him, and, by extension, serving … Continue reading

Relief Society: 5 Ways to Build Unity on Enrichment Nights

One of the purposes of Enrichment night is to build unity between the sisters. It is important to plan activities that allow this to happen. You can still have classes and special guest speakers and still have time set aside for the women to spend time socializing. Here are five easy ways to do this. 1) Service projects are generally a wonderful activity that allows the sisters a chance to talk to each other. You can tie quilts for babies, make pillows for breast cancer patients, put together hygiene kits for the church or your local shelter. These ideas allow … Continue reading

Money Week in Review June 3-June 18

We have covered several topics in the last few weeks. There are a wide variety of articles available to help you. Favorite Money Savings Tips shares five easy ways to save money. This article covers everything from groceries to gas. You can learn to make the most of your credit cards in Negotiating Credit Card Rewards. Debbie offers some great tips to help you ear better rewards. Have You Considered Downsizing? discusses the changes that you may make in order to live comfortably both now and in the future. This article focuses on why you may change and specific areas … Continue reading