Why You Shouldn’t Wait To Make Holiday Travel Plans

Procrastinators be warned: When it comes to making holiday travel plans waiting until the last minute doesn’t pay. In fact, you’ll find in the end you are the one who will be paying big bucks to travel over the river and through the woods… In a previous blog I explained why airfare on some of the most popular domestic flights has gone up dramatically over the last few months. But, I also provided you with a noteworthy resource (remember I called it “my secret weapon”) to help you secure the lowest holiday airfare possible. Since then I have gathered a … Continue reading

Holiday Travel—Good News, Bad News

If you want the secret to finding the cheapest airfare this holiday season you’ve come to the right place. I plan to reveal my secret weapon in the war against high airfare. But, first, let me tell you why you’re going to need my tip more than ever this holiday season. According to travel analysts, steeper fuel costs and fewer available seats on many U.S. flights are translating into some of the highest holiday airfares passengers have ever seen. Airfare experts say Thanksgiving ticket prices are averaging 3% to7% higher than last year and the last-minute sales for off-peak holiday … Continue reading

Ways To Save On Holiday Travel

When I told my brother I had already gotten my daughter’s Halloween costume he about choked on the burger he was eating. He’s single and obviously has no clue that savvy parents who aren’t crafty enough to piece together a homemade disguise for their children buy Halloween costumes in August. Sure, fall just officially began today and most parts of the country are still basking in summer-like temperatures, but like it or not, the holidays will be here before we know it. Christmas is coming… and before that Thanksgiving. Not to mention Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, New Year’s Eve, etc. The happy … Continue reading

Say So Long To Paper Tickets

Bad news for my mom and others like her who are resistant to change. This time next year paper airline tickets will have gone the way of rotary telephones—-not completely obsolete, but very hard to find. According to the International Air Transport Association, currently, less than 14% of the 400 million tickets it processes are paper tickets. And that number is expected to drop again next year. Beginning June 1, 2008, the IATA will stop issuing paper tickets. Some small regional or foreign airlines will continue issuing paper tickets, but they’ll be few and far between. The reason for the … Continue reading

Reasons You Shouldn’t Get Rid Of Your Travel Agent

When was the last time you called a travel agent to help plan your family vacation? Personally, I don’t remember the last time I consulted a travel agent… and I’m related to one. I know I am not the only one. In fact, according to AAA, back in the mid 1990s travel agents booked 75% of travel reservations. Compare that to 2006 when some 77 million travelers turned to the Internet to book their airline tickets. Interestingly, in the first 6 months of 2007 those numbers dropped significantly. Travel agents appear to be experiencing a resurgence of sorts as many … Continue reading

Ready, Set, Fly!

Our family does a lot more driving in the summer than flying (we travel more by plane during the winter months). However, judging by the huge amount of bad press the airline industry has been getting over the past few months you have to wonder how many travelers willingly opt to drive (or just stay home) rather than endure the headaches that come with flying. Given that my family lives in Hawaii, flying is a necessity in order for us to see each other. That said I have compiled a list of some tips that have served us well as … Continue reading

Planning Your Vacation Via The Internet

When was the last time you stepped foot into a travel agency? With the dawn of the Internet and the tens of thousands of travel resources available online, travel agents seem to be a dying breed. My aunt retired from the travel industry last year after spending more than 20 years as a travel agent. She was, by all accounts, the only person anyone in my family dealt with when it came to booking a trip. Now she’s spending her days on the golf course and we have all begun turning to the Internet to secure our travel plans. Now … Continue reading

Total Vacation Packages—Are They Worth The Money?

Websites are plastered with travel deals beckoning visitors to exotic locations. Most of them are package deals, which include airfare and hotel accommodations. Some even include rental cars and tickets to specific events (e.g. whale watching or ski lift tickets). The prices always catch my eye, but I never stop to examine the offer’s fine print. I normally assume there’s a reason (not a good one) for the prices being so (seemingly) affordable. So if you are traveling to popular destinations are these package deals the best way to go? I posed the question to my high school classmate, Ryan … Continue reading

Frequent Flier Miles Without a Credit Card?

Hubby and I used to put everything on a credit card that gave us frequent flier miles. We’re travelers, and my family lives all over the place, so we’re taking a lot of trips every year. Air miles are a valuable resource in our family and all of us hoard and spend them and watch our statements each month to make sure we have enough to get together at Christmastime. Now that our daughter is three and no longer qualifies as a free lap child we’ve had to earn enough extra miles for her travel tickets as well! Each month … Continue reading