LDS Family Week in Review: May 20th – 26th

We had another great week in the LDS Families blog. We took a look at our Gospel Doctrine lesson and expanded our horizons a bit. Gospel Doctrine: This week’s Sunday School lesson is entitled “Thy Faith Hath Saved Thee.” It covered a variety of ways that people expressed their faith in the Lord and were spiritually saved because of it. In Cry Day and Night, we discussed how prayer affects us. In Men Ought Always to Pray, we talked about how to pray without fainting. In They…Rebuked Him, we talked about how other people might affect our relationship with God … Continue reading

Three Month Supply

It is interesting to me that we are now being urged to store a three-month supply of food. Since I live in a fairly small apartment this seems much more manageable. It is something that we can acquire fairly quickly and plan easily. If you are unsure on where to begin you can visit The church provides a basic outline of the types of foods that you should be storing. In the guidelines for the three-month supply of food, it suggests that you store food that you are used to eating. In reality this would be a good principle … Continue reading

Swimming – How to Have Fun Tips

Recently, in Dear Heather, Valorie asked for biking and swimming ideas for a large family. Swimming and biking are activities that families can do together and that can involve different age groups as well as different levels of skill and proficiency. So let’s take some time today to talk about swimming fun that you and your family can have. Safety First It’s important that whenever you are engaging in any physical activity that you put safety first. Because drowning can occur, you want to make sure your kids, especially the young ones who cannot swim have on proper flotation devices … Continue reading

Relief Society: Setting Up an Enrichment Playgroup

One popular idea for an Enrichment activity or group is to set up a playgroup for your ward. This is a great opportunity for those sisters who have young children. It gives the children a chance to form friendships with members of their ward. It also gives stay at home moms the opportunity to socialize and form friendships as well. It is important that everyone in the ward feels welcome to playgroup. Here are five tips to help your playgroup run smoothly. 1) It is best to have playgroup at the same time every week. This allows people to easily … Continue reading

5 New Year’s Resolutions Every Parent Should Make

New Year’s is the perfect time to set some goals or make some resolutions. It is the start of a new year and can be the start of something good within your family as well. Read on for five New Year’s resolutions that every parent should make. 1. Spend more time with your children. This is a no-brainer, but it is easier said than done. Set aside one night a week where you are together as a family. Choose a night that works with everyone’s schedules. Our family night is Monday. 2. Take a family vacation. Family vacations are great … Continue reading

Youth Christmas Service Projects

If you are planning activities for young men and young women during this month you may want to take advantage of the many service opportunities that are available during the Holiday season. Giving service is a great way to help the youth remember the true meaning of service. Here are five activities that you may want to consider doing during the holidays. 1) You may want to make cookies and brownies for the less active members of the class. You can then go around and visit the members one activity night. You should keep the visits fairly short, but you … Continue reading

“You’re talking about bugs again?” Obsessions and Asperger’s Disorder

One of the hallmarks of Asperger’s disorder (and certain other disorders) is a child’s tendency to be obsessed with particular topics. He might want to constantly talk about video games, race cars, cartoon characters, movies, or even bugs. It can be very frustrating for parents and teachers to deal with an obviously bright, articulate child who is somehow “stuck” in one particular frame of reference. How can we break kids of these obsessive thoughts and ideas? The honest answer is… we may not be able to entirely eliminate them. Some children will gradually leave one special interest behind, only to … Continue reading

FLOOR TIME: Promoting Better Communication Skills

As you become more proficient in your role as “parent therapist extraordinaire” and your child is becoming more attentive, you’ll eventually want to move on to the next goal. The second goal in these floor time play sessions is to improve your child’s ability to communicate effectively. (This floor time blog is the third in a series of five, teaching parents how to be their child’s own play therapist. If you haven’t read my introductory floor time blog, click here.) During your 20-30 minute floor time play sessions, your child should now be demonstrating signs of personal interest and attention … Continue reading

5 New Year’s Resolutions Every Parent Should Make

New Year’s is the perfect time to set some goals or make some resolutions. It is the start of a new year and can be the start of something good within your family as well. Read on for five New Year’s resolutions that every parent should make. 1. Spend more time with your children. This is a no-brainer, but it is easier said than done. Set aside one night a week where you are together as a family. Choose a night that works with everyone’s schedules. Our family night is Monday. 2. Take a family vacation. Family vacations are great … Continue reading

5 New Year’s Resolutions Every Parent Should Make

New Year’s is the perfect time to set some goals or make some resolutions. It is the start of a new year and can be the start of something good within your family as well. Read on for five New Year’s resolutions that every parent should make. 1. Spend more time with your children. This is a no-brainer, but it is easier said than done. Set aside one night a week where you are together as a family. Choose a night that works with everyone’s schedules. Our family night is Monday. 2. Take a family vacation. Family vacations are great … Continue reading