If you are looking for a way to occupy small children who are excited for Halloween, try this one. As an added plus they can learn about shapes, names for the different part of the face, and facial expression.
Make a pumpkin face without a pumpkin. Foam craft sheets are great for this project, but felt or even construction paper will work too. Cut a large pumpkin shape from your foam, felt, or paper. Then cut out all sorts of shapes for eyes, noses, and mouths. You might also want to cut out strips for hair and eyebrows, and even circles and loops for earrings. There’s no reason the pumpkin can’t have spiky pink hair or even a hat. Don’t feel limited to paper or foam. You can have pipe cleaner hair, buttons for a nose or for earrings, yarn for a necklace or hair, real ribbon for a bow. Your child’s imagination and your supply of craft materials are the only limits. You do of course need to exercise caution with small children and small objects.
Let your child arrange the shapes on the pumpkin to make facial features. They will have a lot of fun making different expressions. It’s really amazing what difference eyebrows or noses can make. And it’s really fun to change the pumpkin around from silly to scary and back again.
When they are done playing, they can glue down the shapes that they like best. At this point they can even add expression lines with crayons or markers. The project makes a great festive picture to hang on the wall or refrigerator, or even the front door! Don’t be surprised if your children want to make a few.
For More Halloween Fun See:
Magic Halloween Paint Projects