With so much published information out there on attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), it’s understandable that parents will have concerns when nothing seems to hold their toddler’s interest for more than a few moments. In fact, when their toddler never seems to sit still and goes from toy to toy, activity to activity without seeming to slow down – concerns may grow and when your helpful co-worker or friend suggests that your toddler is ADD or ADHD – you may panic.
It’s Okay
It’s very normal for typical toddlers to have short attention spans. In fact, it’s rare that a toddler will discover anything that will hold their interest for longer than a few minutes at a time. Remember the world is violently interesting to them and there is so much of it for them to explore.
If you were deposited on an alien world, with very little to no understanding of the language and customs and felt secure that the people were not going to hurt you – then chances are you wouldn’t have a long attention span for anything either. You’d bounce from item to item, visual site to visual site – going endlessly from thing to thing to explore.
Attention Span
There will be times when your toddler will discover something that fascinates them and it will hold their interest. You will also notice, that as your toddler grows and develops, they will be interested in toys, activities and people more and more. The more stimuli your toddler is exposed to – the more their attention span may grow or shorten. It can take years to truly diagnose a problem such as ADD or ADHD – in the meanwhile, enjoy your toddler’s excitement at the world and take advantage of their ability to jump from activity to activity – it provides you with the perfect way to distract them from doing something you don’t want them to do – to doing something else.
Has someone ever tried to tell you that your toddler was ADHD or ADD?
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