For many parents Sunday night is a time to shift gears from laid-back weekend mode back to a regimented weekday routine. It’s also a time many of us pause to reflect on the events have transpired over the last seven days (and beyond). Doing so gives us the chance to put things in perspective or gain new insight on a particular issue.
With that said I thought it would be appropriate to recap some of the topics we covered in the Parents blog this week. If you missed any of the lively “discussions” now is your chance to catch up:
November 11th—–The Great Stroller Debate. Are you encouraging your children to be fat and lazy by allowing them to ride in a stroller beyond their second birthday? One mom seems to think so and took her opinion to the World Wide Web. See what celebrity mom was the target of her ire in this blog.
November 12th—–Grandma in the White House. If you were the President of the United States would you invite your mother-in-law to move into the White House with you? Find out what President-elect Barack Obama has to say on the subject in this blog.
November 13th–—Do You Read to Your Children? Not in a boring, fatigue-laced voice, I mean really read, with accents and sound effects? This blog provides tips on how to make reading a fun family event.
November 14th–—New Incentive to Get Parents to Walk Kids to School. If you walk your kids to school each day you might find this blog interesting. Parents in England may soon be getting rewarded with cash for escorting their children to school. Find out the details of the new program in this blog.
November 15th–—Poor Economy = Fewer Kids in Daycare: Who’s Watching Your Children? Studies show an increasing number of families struggling in these tough economic times are pulling their kids out of daycare. Are you one of them? Find out what desperate measures some parents have had to resort to in order to earn a paycheck and provide childcare.