We’ve all heard it. You can’t be your child’s friend; you need to be the parent. I know this was ingrained in me early on.
Although this is true, I think the same emphasis needs to be placed on the fact that when you are a good parent, the friendship will come later. It gives you something to look forward to.
While I have always known that parenting trumps friendship, I have to admit that sometimes I struggle with this. I don’t like conflict with my children.
So sometimes I will bend rules in order to avoid it. That’s not good parenting.
But I don’t beat myself up over it too much. I know that I will never be a perfect parent. And I know that everyone has their own unique struggles when it comes to parenting.
It comes down to doing the best you can. Mistakes will be made. Sometimes you will be given the chance to correct them and other times you will just have to live with the consequences.
Mixed in with the mistakes will be the right choices and decisions. Those will be your shining moments as a parent.
I have to tell you, I am really enjoying the friendship aspect of my relationship with my oldest son, who is on an Air Force base in Texas. He calls me every single day. Hmmm…maybe I did something right.
He shares the details of his day and other personal matters. Wow. So this is what friendship with your child looks like. It feels good.
It helps me look at things in a new light with my other two children who are still at home. I feel more confident about my role as a parent, because I have seen the other side.
Good parenting doesn’t mean perfect parenting. But it does mean saving the friendship until later. Don’t rush things. That time will come soon enough.
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Photo by Cieleke in stock.xchng