Yesterday, I spent a couple of hours at my daughter’s school volunteering in the school library and putting up books before having lunch with my daughter. Eating lunch with your child at school is a great idea, my midget loves it and so far we’ve made it a weekly meet and greet.
But yesterday was special for more than just going to volunteer in the library and having lunch with my daughter. Yesterday, I spent 50 minutes after the lunch hour back in the library reading to the children in my daughter’s kindergarten class. She was thrilled to see me.
The children gathered around and I pulled out the three books I was going to read to them: Pancakes, Crackers and Pizza, Hello, Red Fox and Toby’s Rainbow Clothes. The children in my daughter’s class are studying colors and shapes including dressing in different colors each day and bringing in items from home that reflect the different shapes they are studying.
I love reading to my daughter and I loved reading to the multitude of children in her class. They were great and interacted to my questions and story promptings without any real effort on my part. It was a great deal of fun. When I was done with all three of my stories, I was treated to a round of applause and several hugs.
They’ve invited me to return and read to them again and the librarian was enthusiastic in her invitation as well. I’m looking forward to going back – I’ll be back in the library for at least an hour today, putting away books.
Do you enjoy volunteering at your child’s school?