Seriously, did anyone really expect that Paris Hilton’s family members and friends would have to wait in 4-hour long lines to visit her in jail? PUH-LEEZE!!
No, really, in all seriousness, I was appalled to hear about the latest drama caused by Hurricane Hilton. According to news reports, when Hilton’s parents went to visit their blonde offspring in jail yesterday they blew past other visitors who had been standing in the hot L.A. sun for more than four hours. Hilton’s younger sister, Nicky, and ex-boyfriend Stavros Niarchos were also accused of skipping the line when they visited Paris on Saturday.
The incidents are making headlines for a few reasons: First, it’s all Paris all the time in L.A. right now. Second, this line cutting business has again raised concern that the heiress is receiving preferential treatment.
Even if you don’t care a hoot about Paris you have got to feel for the people like Shatani Alverson, who told news reporters that she was asked to leave the jail’s visiting room soon after her husband walked in simply because Hilton’s parents breezed in. Alverson said she was told by jail officials to “return after lunch.” Never mind that she had already stood in line for three hours and had to be at work “after lunch.”
Even so, the socialite’s lawyer, contends that Hilton is being treated like any other prisoner in the jail’s medical ward. “The staff here is giving her excellent medical care,” he said. “She is receiving no preferential treatment.”
Speaking of the medical ward—-Hilton’s home away from home—-many an eyebrow has been raised about that issue as well. According to sheriff’s officials, it costs more than $1,100 a day to house a female inmate in the jail’s medical unit, compared to about $100 a day in the general population. What’s more, a representative from the ACLU recently told news reporters that hotel heiress is being housed in an area typically used to hold high-security inmates or those with severe health problems: “I don’t know what her health issue is, but you have got to have a pretty intense medical or mental health problem to be in that part of the jail.”
In a previous blog I wrote that according to sources close to Hilton, the 26-year-old whatever-she-is currently suffers from ADD and claustrophobia. I’m no expert, but I don’t remember a time when those conditions were considered “severe health problems.”
As for how the party princess is faring behind bars (or at least a glass door) her dad, Rick Hilton, told reporters: “She’s very scared.” Added her mom: “It’s tough in there. It’s cold.”
Maybe Mama Hilton wouldn’t think it was so cold in there if she had just spent four hours wilting in the California sun while actually waiting in line to see her incarcerated daughter.
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