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PayPal Basics: Send Money On The Internet

If you do any shopping online then you more than likely have at some point used Paypal. Paypal is the most widely used way to send and receive money on the internet, and is used on sites like eBay as well as a variety of different merchants online. If you’ve never used Paypal before then using for the first time can be a little confusing. Here are some basics about Paypal for a first time user:

How does Paypal Work?

Paypal works similar to a bank account or credit card. With Paypal you can send and receive money from other people online by simply using your email address.

How Do I Get Money In My Paypal Account?

If you want to pay someone via Paypal, but don’t have any money in your Paypal account you can add funds to your account by linking it to your checking account, or by using a credit card. Money will also go into your Paypal account if you are paid by another Paypal user.

How Do I Get Money Out Of Paypal?

If you are paid by someone in Paypal you can get the money out of your account by transferring it into your checking account, using the money to make a purchase, or you can get a Paypal debit card that allows you to use your Paypal money like a credit card at merchants and earn a small amount of cash back on your purchases.

Why Paypal?

Paypal can make it possible for you as an individual to accept credit card payments from business associates, or people purchasing items from you on sites like eBay. Payments made into your Paypal account are in most cases available instantly which can be much better than waiting for a check to clear or a money order to arrive at your home.

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About Emily Price

Emily is a freelance writer and video editor in Raleigh NC. Her film degree has earned her the role of "family photographer" for all of her families events, as well as some events for other families.