There are many perks to teaching in a public education system. I have discussed how teaching gives me a new beginning each year. I have also talked about the joy that I have watching the eyes of my students as they read a book for the very first time. Today, I would like to share another perk for me. Today, the letter G stands for growth.
As a public education teacher, I am able to watch children grow in many different ways. I see small, frightened children walk into the school crying at the beginning of the school year. I watch these same children bound out the stands at an assembly to dance in front of the school. I see the children grow as their fear is replaced with newborn courage and confidence.
I also get the privilege of watching the children that have passed through my class as a struggling student grow into a well academically rounded child. I see the excitement of the child’s face as he is given his reading award. I remember how he fought for every piece of knowledge that he gained and I know that this child has experienced tremendous academic growth.
Each May, I look back upon my pictures from the events throughout the school year. Each year, I am completely amazed at the merger little faces that peer up from the pictures at me- the faces of the children as they experienced their first day of kindergarten. Many have grown inches since the day we first met. They have a new matured look on their faces. The ‘baby’ is gone and a child has emerged. I see the children grow physically.
I am lucky. I get to experience many growths with many children. I get to create a bond with the children and watch them flourish.
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